insert foot here

Here is my foot in my sock, er, part of a sock. It took some convincing for my foot to fit between the little triangle made by the dpns, but it worked. The sock does stretch and not go back more than I had wanted, hopefully that will be better when it's off the needles. We'll see.
The sock
Last night we decided to get Papa Johns for supper. MMMM, love me some papa johns. Anyway, because Jake wanted to play in the sprinklers before supper i didnt call, i just went up there, ordered and waited. That was fine, i brought my sock with me. So I worked on it for the 20 minutes it took for them to make our pizza, and when i got them to leave the dude behind the counter says "have a nice day, and good luck with your knitting". Very kind of him to say, apparently I really do look like a knitidiot - and I only had to put back 2 parts of stitches because i did the decrease in the wrong spot. oops. But it was pretty covert, maybe he was just being nice. That's good, i need it. SO after supper, we went to hellmart, got groceries/party stuff, went home and i worked more on my sock until csi came on. I am at the point that I have finished my gusset (?) and am on the round and round and round part until i get to the toe. I'm pretty excited because it LOOKS LIKE THE PICTURE! And I dont think this will have to involve binding off - we'll see. No I am not a pattern-skip-aheader, it's a suprise as I get to it. Smart? No. Fun? Not really. Just lazy. Want a pic? i'll do one after lunch when it starts being more, um, foot shaped.
moron alert

Take a close look at this picture. Do you see what's sticking out from under that book? Yep. (sigh)
The sock update
Ok, i'm noticing that there my be a slight problem with my sock. The lack of the plural s. Here it is so far in all it's glory:
Please notice that I have a stitch marker instead of a dpn on one of the sides. That is because at lunch I discovered that I was missing a dpn. I used it last night on the couch watching idol and bones.
I THOUGHT i packed it in my bag - i have even been sticking the not-on-work ones in the ball of yarn for safekeeping after the "moron, the needle is in the back of the book" incident. (no, the needle is not in the back of the book this time. I promise.) It is not on the floor of my office from when I showed bored-to-tears-with-brandee's-knitting co-worker, so perhaps it is at home in the couch somewhere.
No worries, I made due with the stitch marker, it was just, um, creative. It just makes me look even MORE like a knitidiot than normal. At least I dont have to purl when it's like this. (shouldnt have said that huh, i'm sure a purl will now pop in there somewhere). So I think i'm doing pretty ok, my stitches (even the purl rows on the heel flap) look pretty even, and the directions make sense. I hope it keeps going this well.
Unfortunatly I did not get good knitting vibes from bored-to-tears-with-all-brandee's-yarn co-worker who said "why would anyone wear socks that color". I about cried... but i didnt. i was strong and looked at her harshly, with a distinct "ah" (like a hairball ridden cat) "I like them!" Bah, what does she know.
Anyway, tonight I REALLY need to work on finding my house if I expect my dad and other assorted people (some of whom I have either never met or havent seen in 15 years) to come to my house Saturday and have someplace to sit/walk/eat/hang their bag.
Ok, back to pogo, i mean real work.
Thursday 13
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Sock knitting, sigh
So I am still working on my sock, I didnt work on my sock at all last night, due to choir, and crying and idol and NCIS. Sock knitting requires paying attention and I could not pay attention when i was doing the other things. I did however work on it for about 45 minutes at lunch today, and here's where it is now.

Please notice the smallest of shadows in the upper left corner - that's a heel! Or it will be in another 4 years when i finish it. Nah, I think i'm doing pretty well - there is even a "special stitches" area of the pattern and although I thought about running far far away, I did not and I successfully did a "ssk". More than once even! And there are parts that I wonder if I'm doing right, but I'll just follow along and see what happens. I did notice a dropped stitch VERY far down that I was able to loop a piece of yarn through so it didnt unravel. I'll figure out what to do with it if this brown blob starts to look like a real sock. Hopefully I'll be able to show more progress tomorrow. No where to go tonight, but since I'm having a little shindig at my place on Saturday I had better find the kitchen table. I'm just sayin.
I forgot to mention that today is day 28 of being Coke free, and although I do miss it occasionally and it sucks when we are at places that only have coke, diet and sprite... like at the craft fair. I drank a sprite and didnt hate it, but i should have thought to pack my grenadine in a flask. Maybe next time. 28 down, 12 to go.
Sock Knitting Requires Contraptions
Ok, so I'm going along in my knitting on dpns, and not really feeling like a knit-idiot then they talk about the heel. Ok, it's a heel, how hard can it be (coming from the girl who knows 1.5 knitting stitches and has yet to learn to cast off)? "you have to redistribute the stitches on the needles. Ok? slip blah blah backwards onto the free needle, knit the front blah blah stitches on to the same needle. The rest get put on a stitch holder. Now a stitch holder looks like a really big safety pin, but is really a contraption. I moved those stupid stitches back and forth between needle and holder 3 times, because I am maybe an idiot. I did it right the first time... but it didnt look right when i went to knit it, it was backwards. so i switched holder and needle, and started to try again, but that wasnt right either so i put it back like they said. I had to PURL, scary. Ya'll know how much I love to purl! So much that I DIDNT do the ribbing! And that only need k1, p1. This part you purl the WHOLE ROW! I tried to do it like knitting backwards, but it only worked for a few stitches and i gave it up. This is what it looks like now.

It doesnt look like a sock NOW, I know, but I do hold out hope that it eventually will look like a sock. Wish me luck.
Crack in the tacos.
Or the Sams pizza. Ok, so My MIL whom I shall call the enabler today, gave me a joanns coupon for 40% off any yarn item. And it expired yesterday. Even though I had already bought yarn on Saturday because I needed yarn therapy because the craft fair (term used VERY loosly) blew chunks. So I went to Joanns and made a purchase. I guess for the following to work, you also need to know that when I went to UT for yarn therapy they had a ball of Jaeger Trinity in the right color (to match the 1 ball I have at home) so I shelled out the $8.50. I know, yikes, but I really wanted to make socks out of it. It's silk/cotton and the color of tabacco. Anyway...
Yarn math:
The enabler + sock yarn score + crack in the tacos & Sams Pizza - frogging 3 times(!) + being stupid in the head =

Did I fail to mention that at Joanns I purchased a sock knitting book (sigh) and dpns? In my own redemption I did also get a pound of love in ivory (for the maybe baby blanket).
Yes it's knitting. Yes it calls for ribbing (and purling). Yes I screwed up the ribbing and ripped it out. No, i'm not doing ribbing.
Hopefully there's crack in the Lean Cuisine Lasagne I brought for lunch today because I brought the evil sock knitting with me. Oh well, there's always taco bell.
I love my job.
So the bosses are all out, and i've got the craft fair tomorrow, and I got new business cards so i'm re-pricing everything with them... with handy care instructions on the back. I am on my 3rd box of 4 (SOOO not redoing the flip flops). This is the box that never ends. This is what i've done so far from it:

Left to right: Red Hats, pink swirly scarf, sweater, team spirit hats, orange furry purse, red furry purse, black & white purse, cards.
And this is what's left in the box:

Lets see, clockwise from top right: orange/daisy/rose baby hat, water bottle holder, baby hat in green, purse, doggie sweater (red), black chenille poncho, cow set, Stephens Britches set.
This is the box that never ends, it goes on and on my friends. One day I started pricing it, not knowing what it was, and I'll continue pricing it forever just because....
Somebody help me.
Thursday 13
Thirteen Things about Brandee 13. I’ve been Coke free for 24 days. 12. 24 LONG days. 11. Only 16 more to go. 10. I sell crochet stuff at craft fairs. 9. I have one coming up on Saturday. 8. I hope that I make lots of money. 7. I don’t know if I want someone to buy the angora baby dress, or if I want to keep it to submit to the fair next year. 8. Yummy angora goodness, so soft to pet. 6. I’m worried that no one will want sweaters and scarves and hats this time of year. 5. Is it bad to pray for a cold front, just for Saturday? 4. I didn’t think so. 3. Tomorrow is my Daddy’s 50th Birthday. 2. My dad & step-mom are coming to my April Fools Day party. 1. So is my mom, should be interesting. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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The Craft Fair
Ok, so we (Dani, Tracie & myself) have a craft fair on Saturday that none of us is terribly excited about. Of course if we all sell everything we bring, we'll be excited, but we'll see. I did this fair last year but it was on Mom's birthday (june 25) and hot as balls and drizzly. Not a great combo when you're whoring out crocheted blankets, dog sweaters and scarves. But, our high is only supposed to be like 71 on Saturday so that bodes well for us, plus its in a park this year (instead of a side street) and there are trees in the park. Trees = shade = good. We do have a canopy to keep the sun/rain off us and our stuff, and we always enjoy the fairs because it becomes one VERY long stitch and bitch. Here's the info on the fair in case you're in the area:
This Saturday I am whoring out my crocheted goodies at a craft fair, along with a couple other gals in my group. Come out, buy something, DONATE TO THE 3-DAY, say hi!
Saturday March 25, 2006
Ulmer Park
301 West Bay Dr
Largo, FL
Hope you can make it out. If not, you can buy some of my stuff at either or .
Thanks a bunch, and I hope to see ya there!
Wish me luck. I'll post more later - like Thursday 13.
The unfortunate jacket
So ya'll know i'm making the jacket, and I was doing pretty good, I had the back done and some of the left front done, when I noticed 2 problems. The first problem was with the back - which was done - yeah.

There is a problem with this jacket back, one of the bottom sides is lopsided. Can you tell which one? Yep.
The second problem is that although I followed the directions for the front right side I dont have enough bumps (dc2tog) for my size. I'm making it in medium and for some reason the pattern hates me. Discouraging. So I stopped my crocheting last night and i'll work on it today at lunch. I did finish the cap for Travis' boss who is 3 sessions into chemo. He's lost his hair, and since I was working on a bigger cap meant for a man, I thought that was pretty handy. So i finished it up last night, and gave it to Travis to take to work to see if he can get to the sup. Travis has never met his sup, and he's worked for the rat since May. The sup does send emails to his team which is nice, just to let them know what's going on and how he's doing. And I thought it was awful nice of Disney to let the guy stay on even though he cant work.
Anyway, that's it for now. ttfn.
About Last Night
Ok so last night was Ray's birthday party. I conned Tracie into going - actually it didnt take much more than saying i would be dd - to Ray's birthday at the Parrot. I had LOTS of anxiety but thats just because i'm stupid in the head for even wanting to go. Travis had some choice words for Geo and threats for if he tried anything stupid, but i went anyway. I had Tracie to protect me for little bity geo.
So I picked up Tracie and we headed over to the bar. I turned off the car but needed to, ya know, breathe, so after a few minutes I had collected myself and we got out of the car, and went to the bar. I got my shirley temple (day 17 of no coke, sigh) and Tra got a beer. Then we waited. We had seen Ray and Geo across the parking lot and i waved but i guess they didnt see me. Anywho, it took a few minutes but ray came in and talked to us.
Ray: So you didnt get my message?
Me: No, what did you say?
Ray: Well there is apparently some drama with you coming.
Me: But I told you I was coming, and we already had our little "chat" about me being nice. I have no intentions of doing anything but having fun.
Ray: But Geo's all paranoid that you are gonna pull something (???? what is this something??)
Me: I'll be good.
Tracie: I'll make sure nothing happens.
Me: Yeah Tracie will protect me!
Ray: I need a drink.
So ray heads to the bar and gets himself a pitcher and geo a smirnoff (hehehe) and we head outside. BECAUSE Why would we go IN the bar when we can just sit on the benches outside all night. So Tracie and sit on one of the benches on one side of the breezeway and Geo is seated, all the way back so his feet dont touch the ground, on a bench on the other side. He was pretty much pouting all night. Tracie and I were talking and giggling and I broke out the camera. Because I'm like that sometimes.
Hi! I'm Brandeee, I'm stupid in the head.

Me and Tracie just giggling away!

Then Amy and Dave showed up. Hi Amy & Dave!

Amy take a pic with me!

Ray the Birthday Boy.

Ray, take a picture with me. It's been a while.
Why did nobody tell me I had 3 chins? U

rg. So I retook it. If I knew how to use photoshop i'd use my face on this one and his on the other one. Oh well.
So anyway, I got to see some folks i havent seen since the breakup and it was fun. And it felt good to be the one that wasnt ignored. Actually Geo wasnt ignored, people kept going over to him to talk, but they always came back to me. hehe.
So around Midnight Tracie and I started trying to leave. As we were walking out to the car i was feeling around in my purse for my keys, and couldnt find them. Yeah, remember when I said i turned off the car and just sat there breathing? I did NOT mention putting the keys in my purse, did i. Nope, that's because they were in the ignition.... with the doors locked. OOPS.
Robert Is My Hero! So we walk back to the bar, and i was asking ray if he either had AAA or a hoodlum friend that could jimmy my lock. And his friend Robert had AAA. YEAH ROBERT!!! AAA came and opened my door. YEAH AAA!!! And finally we left. dropped her off and got home at about 110. Travis was still up because i guess he was too worried about me to sleep, so we chatted a bit then went to bed. Poor guy had to be at work at 650 this morning. At least he'll be able to nap a little before church tonight. Yeah, church tonight - its a new sat night service. pretty cool i thought.
Ok, that's enough for now. Cheers.
I'm a Scorpio
My Aunt emailed this to me and said that hers had some neat accurate things about her and maybe mine would too:
NOVEMBER - Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. ______________________________
Yes I have a lot of ideas and I can often be difficult to fathom - see stupid in the head post from earlier. Forward thinking, perhaps. Unique and brilliant, sharp thinking, clairvoyance of course. that was the pretty much right part. Secretive - my life is an open book... or blog in this case. I am inquisitive and i LOVE digging secrets. Brave and generous - generous anyway. PATIENT!!! HAHAHAHA. I am the least patient person I know. I pray for patience EVERY day... quickly... but it hasnt come yet. Stubborn and heard hearted - I dont think so. Determined in some things, never give in some things. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked, that's true. I sometimes like to be alone if the alternative is being with people i dont like, or needy people. I do tend to think differently from others but I dont motivate myself. I am a praise whore... doesnt appreciate praises my ass! High spirited, apparently, well built and tough? NOT. Deep love and emotions yes. Romantic, not really. Certain in relationships? Hardly. Homely - yes, hard working - sometimes. High abilities... i can crochet and now almost knit so i'd say yes. Trustworthy yes but the keeping secrets part - not so much. I wish i was better at that but i'm not. BUT I do keep the secrets that need to be kept. Not able to control emotions - nah, i'm good at that. Most of the time.
There ya go. Break down of the Scorpio in me.
Happy St Pats Day
Today is St Patricks Day. 17 days into lent, 23 to go. Oh Coke, how I miss you. Today is Ray's Birthday, and his party at his favorite bar. Ray is my ex boyfriend, but we're friends. I've known Ray since 7th grade. Yep, long time. Also going to Ray's party is Geo, he's Ray's des driver. He's also my ex, that one didnt end well. Geo isnt speaking to me. He's mad that I DARED speak to another ex... the one that I happened to date after leaving Geo. It's craziness. Amy and Dave will be there - Amy is my best friend that doesnt really talk to me or see me hardly ever. And Dave is her fiancee. I'm bringing Tracie because Travis has to be up early tomorrow to work, and wont get off tonight until after 10 so Tracie it is. Poor girl, but now she'll understand when I speak of these people. Crazyville party of 2.
So about the chenille throw. Yeah, not doing it anymore but I told you that yesterday. Which is a good thing because it clears up my crochet calander! I started making this:

I'm using Mainstays in Cilantro. Not great yarn, I know but I had some, enought even to make this whole thing for under$10. It's going well so far and i'll post more pics once i'm past row 7.
I really tried to find something to make from the chenille, I really did. I failed, now I may relist it on ebay, who knows.
Guess what i'm gonna do tonight?
No CSI tonight and I have NO desire to watch the inventor thing, so I will be dying yarn. Suprised? Yeah, i didnt think so. BUT I'm gonna dye with kool-aid. I went here: and printed it on Dave's computer so it's in color and tonight Jake and I will buy all kinds of kool-aid. How exciting... and AND and - no vinegar is needed... which is fantastic. ALthough I did just buy a $.87 bottle of vinegar from Walmart which is HUGE. But that's ok, I'm sure kool-aid wont be my only method of dying. Anyway, i need to make my shopping list. Have a great day.
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen Things about Brandee13. I’ve been Coke free for 16 days. 12. I really miss it but I’m doing much better. 11. I walked around my block this morning and was really excited. 10. But when I clocked it with my car it was only a half mile. 9. I’ll do better tomorrow. 8. I like making stuff friends and family because of an inherent need to hear wow! In appreciation of something I did. 7. I was like that when I made cakes too. 6. I love throwing parties at my house. 5. I hate cleaning my house for parties. 4. I say hehe too much when I chat. 3. It makes me really happy to know that people I’ve looked for in my nostalgia, have looked for (and found) me. 2. One of my biggest fears is being forgotten. 1. Neurotic, party of one.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Slippers and Chenille Hell

SO I finished my adorable little slippers, here they are. LOVE them. Now i need to make more and hopefully they'll sell.
So ya'll know about the chenille throw, and I was going pretty good on it and it was about 4 feet long or so and I noticed a darker spot in the open v-stitch fabric.... i added an extra v. And not just one, not just one row.... like 6 inches between beginning and 4 feet. Rippit, rippit. So since i was at the end of a cake when i noticed it - the 2nd(!) cake, i just started a granny blanket from the end and i'm frogging as i go. Hello pain in the ass, nice to meet you! BUT, at least this way I CANT add stitches! Oh well, at least it should go quicker then the other one and hopefully will be done by the show.
Felting Pictures
Ok, here are our projects before:

This is Tracie's blue tote, Dani's ditty bag (orange strippy) that Cryatal felted in Dani's absence, and my little pocket purse.

This is the close up of my tote bag.

This is Dani's bag after felting.

This is my bag after - please ignore the craptastic pic of me!

This is Tracie's tote after. It came out so nice.
All in all, this was a great experience. I had a blast and after we stuffed our stuff with stuff we went yarn shopping. How awesome of a Saturday can you get?
In other news, I walked this morning. Well, jogged/walked/jogged/walked. I thought I did good by going around the block once - then I measured it with my car. Half a mile. URG. Now do that 39 more times in 1 day and I will have my 3 day. Hrm. Well it was a start and even though i'm tired now, I realize that I didnt need to wake up quite so early - I got to work 20 minutes early. OR hopefully I'll be able to get more walking done before I pass out. I'll let you know the progress.
Third times a charm

I have been having problems with blogger today, i've tried 2wice already to post and it ate it. RUDE. Ok, lets try this again.
Here is a pic of the yarn I bought to dye from UT on Sat. The one on the right has 850 yards of that funky textured cotton. The one on the left is 100% cotton, unbleached and 160 meters... which I think is about 160 yards. It is thick worsted weight and I bet would feel nice to work with. Choir tonight and a candle party tomorrow, so probably no dying for me til Thursday. Now I need to think of some brilliant colors to do them in. My mom suggested using fruit juice, so it'd be all natural. Great Idea! I think I have some grape at home. We'll have to see how that works.
Damarys' shirt

Here is the birthday girl in her new shirt. That is a heart sticker her daughter gave her so please ignore that part. Also, the black straps... ignore those too. She's gonna wear it on st pats day. I'm so proud. Thats it for now.
Oh What A Weekend
Ok so you know about the adventures in dyeing, here's the final pics:

Oh yeah, snuck one in - the blue one I did Saturday morning. Then we had our felting workshop, no pics yet from that but I promise to post as soon as i get them. We went to Uncommon Threads for some yarn retail therapy and had FUN FUN FUN. Of course I had much less fun than Tracie did, but I spent about $20 and got 850 yards (!) for $12 (!!) of undyed cotton in funky texture, then some brownish raw cotton on sale for $6 for 160 meters. I was SOOO excited. I cant wait to dye them. I put the above yarn for sale on my etsy account, we'll see if something sells. These are all 100 yards and I have them listed for $12. Hopefully, hooks crossed, they will sell. I just want SOMETHING to sell. I finished Damarys' shirt about 20 min before we had to leave for the parties - talk about close call. I dont have a pic yet of her in it, i need to make the boobie part a little less clevagy (is it a word, probably not, but you know what i mean). Hopefully i'll do that today at lunch. Here's me
at the party. Then Me & Damarys. You Cant see her 2 pairs of socks that alternate. It was fun.

Yesterday Travis, Jake and I went canoeing after Church. We had a blast, it was Jake's first time in that boat so he was excited but leary of being so close to the water - alligators and such. We did see 5 or so gators, I showed him herons and turtles and an osprey.

This is Jake using oars as skis. Notice the crew cut - yeah. Apparently my defination of Spiky is different then the hair lady's defination of spiky.

Jake with oars just coming back from rowing. My arms feel like they want to go on strike. LOOOOTSA rowing.
Then tacos for supper, watched Charlies Angels Full Throttle from the $6 bin at walmart, iron chef then sleep. Still sleepy.
adventures in dying part 2, and 3.
So i decided to do some more yarn, and took pictures this time. And I experimented with 2 different ways of doing it... with dramatically different results. This has a lot of pics, beware.
This is what I started with:

Then I soaked it warm water w/about 2 TBS vinegar:

While that was soaking I made a ziploc dye bath with a little bit of water (1/4 cup maybe) and some wilton icing paste. I used a toothpick, stirred up the paste and got as much as I could put on the toothpick - maybe 1/16 tsp, basically a few turns around with the toothpick. I wiped the toothpick in the bag of warm water and mushed it up together:

Then I squeezed out the water and stuffed the yarn in the bag and zipped it up. I mushed around the yarn and solution until it was all soaked.

This was where it got different. The first one I emptied the yarn into my spaghetti pot w/about 2 inches of water heating on med high. and brought it to a boil covered.

Then let it cool down to where i could handle it. i rinsed it out with cool water and hung it up to dry.

This process made barbie pink yarn.
The 2nd process was different, and actually the same way i did yesterday's batch.
While the yarn was in the solution I laid out some foil - about 2 feet or so, on top of that I laid the same amt of saran wrap. I soaked up as much solution as the yarn would hold, then i laid it on the saran and wrapped it up like a worm. Then I folded it into the foil the same way, making a snake, then a bun and put it in the pot with a couple inches of water and brought it to a boil.

Then I turned of the heat and left the cover on and let it cool down.
I used the same solution both times, same amt of water and dye but here's the difference.
This is the yarn from the foil way:

This isnt the best match of color, most of it is like that little purpley pink bit on the top, then the real bit on top is more pink.
I'll try to get a better pic later on to post on my etsy store.
Course it would help tremendously to have directions on how to do this, but I think i did pretty well. I like the colors, and was proud of how even the pink one came out. Oh, forgot - I added some salt to the water when it was coming to a boil for the one without the foil. I read somewhere that it would help the color dye evenly. Guess it worked.
Well, that's enough for now. Have a great weekend.
yarn, 80's and the sweater
Ok, I dyed my first yarn last night. I'm very excited even though it looks like a black eye and dishwater. It is kinda pretty though... just hard to explain nicely. I put it up in my etsy store, along with the monkey scarf. i'll list the yak scarf if anyone shows intrest. Here's my yarn.

40 yards of fingering/baby weight. Heat set with wilton icing coloring in purple and what was supposed to be sage but looks more like dishwater. It's kinda neat too how the purple made the blue. Am I wrong? Does it not look like a black eye?
I went to Walmart last night to get stuff to make for the parties tomorrow and found a VH1 I Love the 80's shirt in baby blue and these:

Yep! Jelly bracelets and rings - $3.
So my outfit will be:
1 pair keds
1 pair faded jeans
1 pair pink/green legwarmers
I Love the 80's shirt
hair in side ponytail on the top of my head
some sort of ugly huge bow holding the pony tail
jelly bracelets
a ring on every finger
I may post a picture, depends on how bad it is.
Here is a pic of actually in the 80's:

This is Jennifer and Me in 1989 on picture day in 9th grade. What you cant see is that I'm wearing a big silver peace sign on a leather necklace. And that dress - it's a slim fitting straight dress interupted by a POOF in the middle. Scary. And hello with the eyebrows. Yeah. Moving on.
I am about to start the decrease for arm hole area of the front of this sweater/shirt for Damarys. This is where I messed up on the back... but it'll be under her arm and NO one will know. She probably wont know. Hopefully I can make it look beautiful. If not, I'll fake it. Then on to boobs. Never done boobs before - only sweaters that dont care about boobs. This one has defined boobs. I'll show you when i'm done.
That's it for now. Oh, if you want to buy either the black eye yarn or the monkey scarf go to my store: . It would make me happy to sell my yarn today. Not that I expect that to happen, but it would make me feel good. I'll make some more tonight in a bigger amt. 40 yards is pretty small. Anyway, cheers.
Thirteen Things about Brandee
13 Things to do when you’re bored at work 13. and read the news, see whats on tv tonight and see if I can find spoilers for AMC 12. Even though Travis calls it the Communist News Network, it’s news to me. I 11. I read her every day – and when I’m bored I go back and read the past entries. I’m up to August of last year. 10. I blog. Often. Or at least I try. 9. my favorites are Poppit and Word Whomp. 8. Highly addictive, beware. 7. I’m a follower, and my friends all had myspaces. I have like (going to count) 6 and 2 halves ex boyfriends. 6. You can have half a boyfriend if you just dated that once, or went skinny dipping that time and almost… but didn’t, I swear! 5. I hunt down old friends and boyfriends because I’m nostalgic like that. 4. yeah, I look but I usually don’t buy. 3. I like free stuff – and our office gets a lot of office depot and I use this site all the time. If you want to join… let me know, I’ll refer you and I’ll get me some points! 2. This is the site that I currently have crochet crap for sale. Adorable scarves, baby stuff, hats, etc all made by me! 1. I love looking at other people’s stuff, and participating in swaps and stuff. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Anger Management
This was emailed to me and I had to share. I laughed so hard.
When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know...
I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered, saying "Hello."I politely said, "This is Chris. Could I please speak with Robyn Carter?"
Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear, "Get the right f**ing number!" and the phone was slammed down on me.I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude.
When I tracked down Robyn's correct number to call her, I found that I had accidentally transposed the last two digits.
After hanging up with her, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again. When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled "You're an asshole!" and hung up. I wrote his number down with the word "asshole" next to it, and put it in my desk drawer.
Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up and yell, "You're an asshole!"It always cheered me up.
When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic "asshole" calling" would have to stop.So, I called his number and said, "Hi, this is John Smith fromVerizon.
I'm calling to see if you're familiar with our Caller ID Program?"He yelled "NO!" and slammed down the phone.
I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're anasshole!"
One day I was at the store, getting ready to pull into a parking spot. Some guy in a black BMW cut me off and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and yelled that I'd been waiting for that spot, but the idiot ignored me. I noticed a "For Sale" sign in his back window which included his phone number, so I wrote down the number.
A couple of days later, right after calling the first asshole (I had his number on speed dial). I thought that I'd better call the BMW asshole, too.
I said, "Is this the man with the black BMW for sale?""Yes, it is", he said.
"Can you tell me where I can see it?" I asked."
Yes, I live at 34 Mowbray Blvd, in Vaucluse. It's a yellow house, and the car's parked right out in front."
"What's your name?" I asked."My name is Don Hansen," he said.
"When's a good time to catch you, Don?""I'm home every evening after five."
"Listen, Don, can I tell you something?""Yes?""Don, you're an asshole!"
Then I hung up, and added his number to my speed dial, too.
Now, when I had a problem, I had two assholes to call.
Then I came up with an idea.
I called Asshole #1."Hello.""You're an asshole!" (But I did't hang up.)"Are you still there?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Stop calling me," he screamed.
"Make me," I said.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"My name is Don Hansen."
"Yeah? Where do you live?"
"Asshole, I live at 34 Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse, a yellow house, with my black Beamer parked in front."
He said, "I'm coming over right now, Don. And you had better start saying your prayers."
I said, "Yeah, like I'm really scared, asshole," and hung up.
Then I called Asshole #2. "Hello?" he said."Hello, asshole," I said.
He yelled, "If I ever find out who you are...""You'll what?" I said."I'll kick your ass," he exclaimed.
I answered, "Well, asshole, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now."
Then I hung up and ime diately called the police, saying that I lived at 34 Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse, and that I was on my way over there to kill my gay lover.
Then I called Channel 9 News about the gang war going down in Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse. I
quickly got into my car and headed over to Mowbray. I got there just in time to watch two assholes beating the crap out of each other in front of six cop cars, an overhead police helicopter and a news crew.
NOW I feel much better.
Anger management really works...
Like AA for Yarn
Hi. My name is brandee and it's been 15 hours since i bought yarn. And 16 hours since I bought a crochet book. (hangs head in shame).
This will teach my family to leave me all by myself for a whole evening! Of course Travis did say "call some of your friends to see if they want to do something". If I'd have listened to him and called Tracie BEFORE I went to barnes & noble.... i'd not have spent $25 on a REALLY cool book, then $15 on yarn. (I spent $7.20 for dinner at Tias w/tip but that was good and i'm making no apologies).
About the book - and yes I will bring it tonight. It's called Fabulous & Flirty Crochet. 20 patterns and when I showed my trendiest friend Damarys she said that they are like what you could get in a store. Of course I said that's the point. Little does she know that the yarn I bought is going into a capsleeve sweater for her for her birthday (assuming I can crochet like the wind). I'm making it in green microspun and it is SOOOOO soft and is coming out very nice and I know I wont even use half the yarn I bought.... maybe i'll make one for my mom for her birthday too. (yes, I did check my gauge... I know you were thinking it).
Ok ya'll have a good morning, i should be on later to write more.
party party party
Lets see, this really is a busy week in general but I've been having a lot of free time. Yesterday was no school because of Strawberry Festival Day, but luckily Travis has Mondays off and was able to keep jake. They went to Epcot, did the Behind the Seeds tour, ate at Le Cellier in Canada (THE best steakhouse) rode some rides, went to property control but it was busy, went to Downtown Disney and got Cirque tickets for today (he won them at work. yeah work.) then came home. They got home around 7:20, then we went to his parents house for a little bit then home for a bath (for Jake) and 24 (for me). I finished up Damarys' socks, they both fit perfectly. I'd show you but I forgot them at home. Oops. I started a knit hat on my new 10 1/2 circs. it's in blue verigated wool, we'll see how it does, i'm only on the first row, er, round.
Today I would normally have choir practice, but my choir directors dad passed away, so it's been cancelled. Travis and Jake are at cirque. I'll knit some on my hat. It really is a very pointy needle, so hopefully that will make for easy knitting. Knitting and Idol.
Tomorrow is my crochet group at borders. I get to show off my ugly legwarmers and Damarys' socks, and probably work on the chenille throw.
Thursday is probably shopping for stuff to make on friday for the events on saturday.
Friday I need to make some stuff for the parties on Sat. Spaghetti sauce and 2 taco dips.
Saturday 11am felting workshop at Tracies house. I am SOOOO looking forward to this because I cant wait to see my bag all felted up. :) . I'm making spaghetti for her place, yummmmo.
Then 7 starts BOTH parties, we're going to Damarys' first (she's turning 25, and I dont have enough energy to hang out there a long time - becides i'm not a hip hop/spanish girl). Then to Bridgets new place to hang out with a bunch of old friends. It will be so much fun, and I'm looking forward to it. Bridget was my maid of honor, and Travis' best friend when we met (she opted for the dress instead of being the best man which would have been fitting). We dont get to see her much because she was living near Orlando. She always came for all the parties we had which was nice, but now she's closer which is nicer.
Sunday is church, and probably some cleaning. My friend Jonathan invited us to his place but I havent brought it up to Travis yet. Jonathan has been a dear friend of mine since I was 9. The oldest friend I have. Jonathan is, um, interesting, and an aquired taste. He has big opinions and voices them loudly. Travis is not a fan of Jonathan. He seemed very relaxed when I talked to him the other day. He has a new girlfriend, she has 3 boys, hopefully that has been a good thing for him. I havent seen him in a year, barely talked to him - see he used to date my "best friend" amy. they broke up. now i dont really talk to either one of them and it PISSES me right off.
moving on.
guess that's it for now, i'll try to chat more later.
Legwarmers, hehe.

I finished up the legwarmers for Saturday night's 80's party. Pink and green - wow they're ugly. But that's ok, it'll be fun. Travis was able to get the time off so he is able to go with me. Then another party at another friends house that night too.
I also finished one sock and half of the leg of the other one. It fits me just fine which is good. No pics just now, i'll wait til there's 2.
I did get my purse from the exchange. Purple, and it feels like simply soft, which i love.
It's cute, i like the pattern how it looks

like lattuce work.
More later.