Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sock Knitting Requires Contraptions

Ok, so I'm going along in my knitting on dpns, and not really feeling like a knit-idiot then they talk about the heel. Ok, it's a heel, how hard can it be (coming from the girl who knows 1.5 knitting stitches and has yet to learn to cast off)? "you have to redistribute the stitches on the needles. Ok? slip blah blah backwards onto the free needle, knit the front blah blah stitches on to the same needle. The rest get put on a stitch holder. Now a stitch holder looks like a really big safety pin, but is really a contraption. I moved those stupid stitches back and forth between needle and holder 3 times, because I am maybe an idiot. I did it right the first time... but it didnt look right when i went to knit it, it was backwards. so i switched holder and needle, and started to try again, but that wasnt right either so i put it back like they said. I had to PURL, scary. Ya'll know how much I love to purl! So much that I DIDNT do the ribbing! And that only need k1, p1. This part you purl the WHOLE ROW! I tried to do it like knitting backwards, but it only worked for a few stitches and i gave it up. This is what it looks like now.

It doesnt look like a sock NOW, I know, but I do hold out hope that it eventually will look like a sock. Wish me luck.


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