The Craft Fair
Ok, so we (Dani, Tracie & myself) have a craft fair on Saturday that none of us is terribly excited about. Of course if we all sell everything we bring, we'll be excited, but we'll see. I did this fair last year but it was on Mom's birthday (june 25) and hot as balls and drizzly. Not a great combo when you're whoring out crocheted blankets, dog sweaters and scarves. But, our high is only supposed to be like 71 on Saturday so that bodes well for us, plus its in a park this year (instead of a side street) and there are trees in the park. Trees = shade = good. We do have a canopy to keep the sun/rain off us and our stuff, and we always enjoy the fairs because it becomes one VERY long stitch and bitch. Here's the info on the fair in case you're in the area:This Saturday I am whoring out my crocheted goodies at a craft fair, along with a couple other gals in my group. Come out, buy something, DONATE TO THE 3-DAY, say hi!
Saturday March 25, 2006
Ulmer Park
301 West Bay Dr
Largo, FL
Hope you can make it out. If not, you can buy some of my stuff at either or .
Thanks a bunch, and I hope to see ya there!
Wish me luck. I'll post more later - like Thursday 13.
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