Wednesday, August 16, 2006

better, at least

Well I am feeling better than yesterday and the doc said my pain was either round ligament pain or constipation. Lovely, I know, sorry. We'll see how it goes.

Yesterday on my way home I had to stop for gas and I saw this:

I'm thinking that if my rear view mirror was all dangly like that i'd either remove it or get it fixed. Because, c'mon! You take a sharp turn and it's smacking you in the head!

In crochet news, I had started a sweater for my mom for Christmas (yes, it's August, aren't you proud?) but I didnt like how it was coming so I frogged it. Now i'm on the hunt for a better sweater pattern. Tra is bringing a book to me to look at, hopefully i'll find something I like. I tried another one that was cute, but when i did the guage (yes, really) it was too big, and I cant find the hook it actually calls for... whoops! Where do all the F hooks go? Do they all get together for a F party somewhere beyond our reach? That's probably it. Hrm! So we'll see how it goes.

Babyville - the calendar is telling me to do something for myself - I'm thinking a feeticure? I really need to do something with my toes before convention which I leave for in 2 weeks and 6 days... but who's counting!


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