The weekend
It was a pretty boring weekend, well sorta. Friday night Tracie came over and we talked and I made tacos and we crocheted and listened to music and Jake was good for the most part and my cat really REALLY likes Tracie's shoes.
Saturday morning Travis, Jake and I went to Sams, got some groceries, Travis left for work and Jake and I went to Jasyline's birthday party. Jasyline is the now 5 yr old daughter of my friend and co-worker Damarys. Here are some pics. (I tried to upload them, honest. Apparently Blogger still hates me. Please click on the links.)
Birthday girl blowing out her candle: and another little boy playing water balloon toss: and the other little boy losing water balloon toss: that evening I went up to the church to meet with a new prospect for worship leader. He and his wife were very nice, we'll see what happens with that.
My friend from Choir gave me her box of mommy clothes and I was SOOOOO excited! When I got home after picking Jake up, we were watching Kangaroo Jack which I have never seen but it was cute so i wanted to watch too, but I really wanted to try on my new clothes and put them in the 2 piles - now and not for a while. I am wearing my mommy undies (VERRRRRY modest) and a sports bra, as I have been being very modest around him anyway. He looks at me like 7 or 8 outfits in and says "Eewe, mommy, I can see where your legs start!" ?? I looked down to make sure that my hidden parts were indeed hidden, and they were. "What do you mean Jake? "I see where your legs start and they're crinkly". "That's not very nice Jake." GREAT, the 5 yr old notices stretch marks. However, he didnt mention the ones on my belly which I guess is good, but THANKS!
No new chalk board masterpieces. I have to tell you that my mother has been very diligent in showing ALL her friends and everyone she has ever known the bathroom pic. She cant look at it without collapsing into fits of hysterical laughter. Yes, it was funny. Maybe next time he'll draw a nice horsey or the cat?
In other news, I went for my AFP blood draw today, i'm sure it's fine but I'll have any bad news by Wednesday. Speaking of doctors my friend Kerry is in surgery RIGHT NOW to have her thyroid removed. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks much.
Thursday 13 on Friday (oops)

Thirteen Things about Brandee
13 Jobs I’ve had1. Chuck E Cheese – hostess, ball crawl attendant. I did birthday parties and sat in the ball crawl trying to make kids go down the slide. 2. Construction (mostly painting) with my dad – I did this a couple summers when I’d go home. I loved working with him. 3. Brooks Pharmacy – Cashier when I was 17. They had a horrible music track that just. Kept. Going! 4. Treehouse Apartments – Actually this was a temp job but I LOVED it. I was a leasing consultant for a couple months. 5. Equifax Credit, Fraud Department – This started as a temp job but went to perm. It was interesting but I was only 18 & 19 and pretty well blew it off. 6. Marshall’s – Service Desk. I was able to work most parts of the store and was there a few years. 7. Disney Reservations – I was SOO excited to get my $7.52 an hour! I made reservations for Disney hotels, restaurants & shows. This led to 8. Disney Travel Company – travel agent where I could also book flights, rental cars and Disney properties in Vero Beach and Hilton Head. 9. Progressive Insurance – I was in processing new business. Basically receiving info from customers and inputting it into the computer. It was very boring. 11. AOhell – Customer service for Compuserve, Gateway internet and AOL. Friends don’t let friends use aol. 12. Verizon Directories – Book close department. I enjoyed this position, except that it was 31 miles a day travel. Basically I gathered info for ads going into the yellow pages. I left because they paid me (and thousands of others) to go. A lot. I left with 1 year paid benes for me and the family, full vestment in my stock + $21,000. thankyouverymuch. Bye bye then. 13. FL RV Trade Association – where I am now. I plan meetings and a convention, collect and maintain member information, manage our Political committee funds, and LOVE my job. Go visit us at Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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interesting conversation, bad business names and ducks
Last night I did not get the folding of the whites done (at least I folded everything that would wrinkle - who cares if socks and undies are wrinkly?) because I was chatting with friends online until after Travis got home. And there were some very interesting conversations, from boobies to boy bits to Latino gangs - and everything in between! And Travis is gonna put msg on the other computer so I dont cry everytime he takes the laptop to work :). And with all the carrying on, no crocheting got done either, and at lunch I was pretty blah so only like a row or two got done. This is turning out to be the longest square in history! But it is pretty.
We are in an RV Association and we get new members all the time. We sell fun, thats what the whole RVing lifestyle is all about. It makes sense in the RV world to have a "toy hauler" - which is an RV with the ass end empty with room for motorcycles, or a golf cart, or 4 wheeler - hence the 'toy' part. Makes sense. Today I got a request for info from a business called "Young Motorized Toys". I laughed, out loud, and had to show 2 co-workers and make them laugh. Yes, i understand that you're last name is Young, but c'mon... no. Moving on.
This morning I was driving into work, but still in my neighborhood I passed a duck sitting on top of a light pole. Well that's odd, and thankfully my neighborhood has a couple turn-arounds, and because I am me, I turned around. Now I've seen ducks at the pond, or on green electrical boxes, and I know they can fly but I didnt figure them for the up high kind of bird. Seems that they'd be too fat and wobbly to not lose their balance and fall flat on their beak! SO enjoy. Duck a la lightpole.

babyville: The rest of baby's face begins to form. The tail has disappeared and the head makes up about half of baby's size. (yeah, i no longer have a child with a tail!)
crocheting, UPS and my eyeball
I really havent been getting much crocheting done. I started doing a square of this: (go down a few patterns to the Money afghan). Its coming out nicely but it takes a while. I've been working on it for 4 lunches and it aint done yet! I've got maybe 7 inches into it, and it will become a 12 inch square. I like the pattern though, I did my Bible cover in something really similar. After this is done, I have to block the squares then back to damn stars. Travis said to me the other day as I was browsing through patterns looking for something but not knowing what I wanted to do "you should make another flag afghan" grumble grumble grumbe. "Yes dear, I'm working on that."
Three cheers for my step-dad Cliff for getting a new job at UPS! Trying to picture him in anything but a swimsuit and flip flops is difficult, and for this he had to get steel tip shoes and regular shorts! I imagine it's quite a sight. But yippee for him!
Yesterday I was having eyeball issues. I woke up and it felt like my right eye had a scratch under my bottom lashes (which did show up later, no clue, maybe the cat's attacking me in my sleep... wouldnt put it past him), and my left eyeball hurt inside the socket. Like it was bruised or something - I could look straight with my eyes but if I turned my eyes (without turning my head) it hurt like a sob. NOT fun. Tylenol in the morning didnt help and even at night I was just laying on the couch with the lights off watching Rockstar. I woke up this morning, and if I look WAY to the left or right it hurts (like while driving and merging onto the interstate) but aside from that its fine.
That's about it, cheers.
Not much, really
Work has been chaotic, but going well I think. I've croched a little, but not much.
On the way to supper last night I saw this:

I was amused anyway, made me wonder if it was Would you like a squshi with that? Or I need to work out because my belly's all squshi?
I promise a more inspired post tomorrow.
Babyville - early movements like butterfly flutters can be felt as early as 14 to 15 weeks, although most women feel movement around weeks 18-20.
The answer and hopefully some pics
That is my child sitting on the pot. Thats the sink on the left and the shower on the right. Notice the flushy thing on the toilet? Yeah.
No luck for pics, here are some of the ones Jake took, the ones from yesterday are on the bottom. One of these days I will put names to them, but not now.
The answer and hopefully some pics
Ok, lot to blog about. Remember the idea of Jake playing with the doll for practice...

Cute I thought. Then Saturday Jake was drawing on his chalk board and told me he drew a picture for Travis. Well I was doing something and didnt get to look at it then forgot. Sunday Travis says to me, hey, did you see this pic Jake drew? NO, what is it? Come here and look. Ok. This is what I saw. I'll tell you what it is later. (make it big, take some guesses, put them in comments... Go ahead, do it now.)

Then, have you ever been to a Church service that felt like it was SPECIFICALLY for you? Yeah that was this Sunday. Dear Brandee... and the message title "Give me patience... NOW!". Yeah, hilarious, thanks God! Got it. I'll try harder.
After service, we went to Kerry and Hans' place for a party. Started off as me and Tracie going to teach her to crochet, but it was a real party, and it started at 2. At about 6 we got to sit down and start working on it, and Kerry was really getting the hang of it. Tracie left at like 9:30, we left at 11!!!! And then it was an hour home. I got to bed after midnight, and today I am whopped! However, I was able to take a couple pics, but when Jake saw me with the camera he confiscated it from me. I took 5 pictures but when I got them on the computer, there were 52. Yeah, shutterbug. After I removed 6 of the driveway from the upstairs playroom, anything so badly out of focus or too close for me to tell what it was and the 1 shot Travis took of my clevage, I had 22. Here are a few: Never mind, I'll have to show you later when Blogger takes its medication.
Babyville - 15 weeks LMP. I'm in the 2nd trimester! Baby weigs 2.47 ounces or 70 grams, and is 3.98 inches or 10.1 cm long. (and I've been feeling it a bit more today which makes me happy happy!)
Today, tomorrow, the day after and always

Today I have been working on a square. I like it, it was hard and I had to redo a part, mostly because the print I have is in black and white and I really needed to see the colors to do it right. Sorry for the crappy picture, I was in a hurry.
Travis has been home sick yesterday and today - some sort of sinus infection. Antibiotics, decongestant, not contagious so he can stay. I had wanted to go see clerks tonight but since he feels so craptastic I dont think i'll get to. I'll have to wait til maybe Monday. We'll see.
Tomorrow I have no idea what we're doing, hopefully nothing but hanging out at the house and cleaning and getting stuff done. WAY too much time not doing that.
Sunday I think a friend of mine is going to Church with us which will be nice, it's been a while. I hadnt talked to her in so long (not for lack of trying, I've left messages and sent emails with no response) that she didnt know I was pregnant. Then after Church we are heading to Orlandoville for a BBQ with some friends - Hans, Kerry & their girls, Tracie, and us. Kerry wants to learn to crochet. I offered. She says I'm terribly sweet to teach her, I just said that NAH, i'm just trying to recruit more people into the cult. Kinda like the Jehovah Witnesses, I have to get so many people into crocheting before I can die in peace! But it will be a nice chance to de-stash and teach her something fun that will last her always (nice how I worked that in, huh?)
Nothing in Babyville to report. Except that I felt it yesterday. Not today, but it'll come. Have a great weekend.
I felt the baby move
!!!!! Yep, excited. That is all.
Thursday 13
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Stuff and Wednesday
We went to our new Convention hotel yesterday, so i was at my computer for a total of 20 minutes, sorry for the no post. I really do like the hotel, and my co-workers were impressed so that made me really happy. On the way home we saw this (the bumper sticker, sorry for the terrible vantage point, i was in the back seat):

This is only ironic since we were in an area of Florida hit by Charlie 2 years ago and it was so bad that there are STILL blue tarpped roofs spottily around and more than one field of FEMA trailers. I think I would find a better, less sensitive mascot than a hurricane, what about you?
Got home after 6, had supper at the Fondrens who had picked up Jake from school, went home, watched my DVRd All My Children & The Closer, then watched the One. I wasnt imressed with most of the people on there, but hey, i'm not a judge. And because I was wearing makeup (well I was in the morning) I wanted to take a pic of it:

Of course I had not kept in mind that it was probably gone, but whatever. See my kitchen wall color, it's one of my faves in the house. Just sayin.
Tonight is Perkins with the gang. I hope to get unsupervised visits with the gnome, tonight's the trial. Should be interesting.
Babyville (catchup): 14 wks LMP. You should place the lap belt of your seat belt under your abdomen. This protects you and your unborn baby! Baby weigs 1.52 ounces or 43 grams, is 3.42 inches or 8.7 cm long. Baby's finger and toe nails are starting to grow from their nail beds.
Crochet stuff - after all this IS a crochet blog... I'm working on the American Flag afghan, i'm up to like 20 stars. VERY slow going, yesterday I had 5 car hours and did nothing.
Dear Asshat that broke into my car,
Dear asshat that broke into my car,
Yes I am THRILLED that you chose my car to break into this morning. At first I thought that it was my silliness that left my trunk open, maybe the clickey thing got clicked through the door before I opened it, and I thought that strange. BUT when I saw the entire contents of my glove box strewn about on my floor, my glasses on my driver seat and my husbands bible case unzipped and his notes on the back seat I thought perhaps I had an intruder. Then I had proof - you left your shirt DUMBASS. Its dirty and probably sweaty and I wonder (in my CSI state of mind) if they will do a dna test to see who you are. I looked at my cd's and found none missing - the beauty of crappy taste in music I suppose, but on the way to drop my son off at school I did notice something you took. My St Christopher medal that hangs from my rear view. I think God should smite you with a venerael disease just for that! It makes it extra special because it was my husbands since he was a child... extra thanks for that! I find it ironic that you passed on the $60 bible but took the $40 St Chris. Funny that. Thank you for putting me in a foul mood that I passed on to my child making me late for work because he wouldnt stop crying because I would only him take 1 toy. By the way, your fault the argument was caused, because the 2nd toy he wanted to bring was unearthed by your hunt for treasures. What, you didnt want a Power Rangers phone? C'mon, at least THAT would have saved me some grief!
Babyville - Baby's vocal chords develop: they can cry (silently).
Happy Friday
Well, I did it. I bought the box and did the hair. It's a little more red than I think i've ever done, and the only person to see it so far has complimented it, so I think it's ok. I am a little worried that Travis will hate it, but he always does. But he doesnt care that he has gray hairs. Hmf. Anyway, here's a pic:

And speaking of did it, well, again, I found another cool license plate this morning. Well not the plate itself but the plate holder. Every time he hit the brakes that little box, which is a LED screen, would have words. "Support our Troops.... Pride Not Prejudice... Get off my Ass". Of course I wasnt lucky enough to get the thing lit up, but I drew a helpful arrow. I found this terribly amusing.

We really dont have a lot of plans this weekend, tomorrow we are going School supply shopping for Jake, his uniform shirts and jacket came in yesterday and he's thrilled to pieces. Then Sunday I think we are gonna try again to go to Pirates since it was sold out last time.
Lets see - Baby weighs .81 ounces or 23 grams. Baby is 2.79 inches or 7.4 cm. I'm hoping that i'll be able to feel it soon, some places I've read 16 weeks, this calendar says 14-15 for some women (2nd timers I'm guessing, of which I am one).
No gnome
Yesterday after work I went to go pick Jake up from school. On my way, I saw this:

I am so glad we were at a light, and this gave me no end of amusement all night.
After dropping him off at the In-laws, I headed to the Crochet meeting. We had a nice time, with one old member back and one new one that had disappeared for a bit. There was much laughing and carrying on, it was a blast. I wanted Tracie to take a pic of my belly so I could put it up, and she took this:

Apparently she has something against my head. Dani took one too, so hopefully that has more of me. But, this is the 13 1/2 week pic. I'll try to have one up every couple weeks.
I got a new book last week at B&N called Would You Rather. It has over 700 questions in there like this:
Would you rather...
play strip poker with (insert 3 relatives)
rub oil on every inch of (insert vile acquaintance)?
See how much fun that is. I have been posting one each day on my myspace blog, it really is amusing.
No baby news to report, just eat your veggies.
Thursday 13
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Baby pic, a day late

I got my pic scanned late yesterday and I didnt have a chance to post it. Whoops!
If you look really closely at the head (that'd be the circle on the left) you can see the little bitty face looking at you. It was really amazing to see the baby moving around so much and not be able to feel it at all. Few more weeks and I will, so that's good.
Tonight is crochet group, and I had started an afghan to make for a craft fair, but I hate how it's turning out. So I frogged it this morning and I am going to make another flag to replace the one my boss bought at Christmas time. BTW, I need to remember to ask him how his sister liked it, I kinda forgot. SO I will work on stars today at lunchtime and at the meeting. Also at the meeting, I think it's my turn with the gnome, and I will, I'm sure, have to sign some sort of non-gnomicide clause in an afidavit saying I wont try to drown him again. They dont want to give me unsupervised visits, but I will try really really hard. I may even let Travis take him to work and have his pic made with Disney people. They did a flat Stanley, I'm sure they can entertain a gnome for a night. And I will try to remember to have one of the gals take a pic of my barely protruding belly. BARELY. But I know that a couple people wanna see. I'll try to have them do it every few weeks.
Babyville catchup - I may notice changes in my breasts. They are getting ready to produce breast milk (and have had a little moisture, but not much). The placenta weighs about an ounce and will weigh about 1.5 pounds at birth. 13 weeks LMP, the baby is starting to take form. Buds on the side of the head begin to form into the outer ear.
Ok, this moring 9am I am at the Dr office for my OB checkup, travis is there too. Today we get to hear the heartbeat - how exciting. SO the doc tries for like 10 minutes to find it. No luck. So they need to do an ultrasound on me to make sure everything is ok. And since I go to the new office they dont have an ultrasound machine there, so I had to drive back to Peru to their other office to get one done. Now the reason I dont go to the other office for my visits... even though it is closer... is that it is large and you have to wait forever to be seen. The doc calls over there, yes they can see me and give them my name and they will bring me right back. Okeydokey. I go and give them my name and tell them that I need to be scanned and they are expcting me, then go sit down. 30 Minutes later (30!!) they call us back (me and Travis, he was there too), and do the scan. At first they do the transvaginal, and the baby looked very froglike, just because of the angle. And the baby is too big to see the whole thing that way, but we could see the spine really good. So they do the regular abdominal one and we were able to see. They said the reason they couldnt hear the heartbeat is probably because it was moving around too much. So we have a picture and i'll have Travis scan it tonight and i'll show you tomorrow.
Mom's Top

Here is a pic of my Mom in her nifty new top that I made for her birthday. You know, the "you know what for you know who" of earlier posts. She likes it and was actually wearing it, and not just putting it on for the pic which made me exceedingly happy. Sorry about the far-awayness, My step-dad took it and he's, um, not so good with the technology. BTW, this pic is brought to you by Mom's gift #2, the digital camera.
Let the games begin...
Well, we've got the info that we are definatly moving Convention this year. I have exactly 8 weeks until the start of it and I dont know where it's gonna be. It could still be in Orlando, move to Bonita Springs (near Ft Myers) or Ponte Vedra Beach (near Jax). We have a conference call of the Board to determine where it's gonna be on Tuesday. Then I will be a chaotic mess until 9/5 when we leave. GREAT! Yes I'm excited about the challenge of moving a 3 day 300 person party elsewhere in 8 weeks, but It is a lot of work. Probably not much posting on here either. Guess i'll brace for impact. Wish me luck.
July 4th pics and babyville
July 4th pics:
Everybody (well almost) in the pool

The front half of a front flip

The back half of the front flip

Jake in his nifty new bathing suit

Babyville: I forgot yesterday... By now external sex organs have usually differenciated. Today - the umbilical cord, carrying nutrients to the baby and body waste away, is well formed at this point.
Gnome travels
You remember the gnome, the one that had the, um, accident in the water? Here, let me refresh your memory:

Anyway, Dani took the gnome to Washington DC with her family this holiday week. He had so much fun, and I have a few pics to share. We really need to name him, to make comments easier, but oh well.
The gnome goes for a fly. At first he was a little nervous but after being in the air for a bit, he was much better.

There were times that he got a little lost underfoot, but that's to be expected when you are only 3 inches tall. Perhaps if we crocheted him a hat cozy that would help.

Here he is enjoying the sights of Washington DC: The Washington Monument & The Potomac River.

After such a busy trip he was exhausted. He slept the whole way home. I'd show you but of course blogger crapped out on me. Maybe next time.
I will shortly have more pics of his exploits in our nations capitol. I will share them when I can.
Thursday 13
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I had some great pics of my daredevil kid, but I left the camera at home (gasp!), whoops.
Friday Jake and I went to see Superman. It was long. 2 and a half hours long. TOO long for a 5 yr old. It was pretty good though. Saturday - um, nothing really. Sunday, more nothing. Monday Travis and I went fishing, it was hot, and the fish mocked us. Tuesday, jake and I went to the in-laws while travis was at work. We celebrated Stacy's (my bro-in-laws girlfriend) birthday. Tra was supposed to go, so out of 2 possible dates I had none. It was hot. Too hot to knit. Heck, it was too hot to sit. Jake swam for over 4 hours, and I had some cute pics of him doing front flips into the water. I didnt see the back flips though. Good thing, I think I would have had a little heart attack. Today I was supposed to go to the dentist but they want to wait until my second trimester so they scheduled it for 4 weeks from now. GREAT.
Chaos at the convention hotel, nothing yet on a result. Still anxious about the outcome. We'll have to see what happens.
Babyville, the catchup: RH blood typing coming (yep, I have to have the shot in the ass which hurts. A lot). Bones begin to grow, ribs and backbone are soft, they'll harden later. 12 weeks, baby weighs .49 ounces or 14 grams. Baby is 2.13 inches or 5.4 cm long.