Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Baby pic, a day late

I got my pic scanned late yesterday and I didnt have a chance to post it. Whoops!

If you look really closely at the head (that'd be the circle on the left) you can see the little bitty face looking at you. It was really amazing to see the baby moving around so much and not be able to feel it at all. Few more weeks and I will, so that's good.

Tonight is crochet group, and I had started an afghan to make for a craft fair, but I hate how it's turning out. So I frogged it this morning and I am going to make another flag to replace the one my boss bought at Christmas time. BTW, I need to remember to ask him how his sister liked it, I kinda forgot. SO I will work on stars today at lunchtime and at the meeting. Also at the meeting, I think it's my turn with the gnome, and I will, I'm sure, have to sign some sort of non-gnomicide clause in an afidavit saying I wont try to drown him again. They dont want to give me unsupervised visits, but I will try really really hard. I may even let Travis take him to work and have his pic made with Disney people. They did a flat Stanley, I'm sure they can entertain a gnome for a night. And I will try to remember to have one of the gals take a pic of my barely protruding belly. BARELY. But I know that a couple people wanna see. I'll try to have them do it every few weeks.

Babyville catchup - I may notice changes in my breasts. They are getting ready to produce breast milk (and have had a little moisture, but not much). The placenta weighs about an ounce and will weigh about 1.5 pounds at birth. 13 weeks LMP, the baby is starting to take form. Buds on the side of the head begin to form into the outer ear.


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