Monday, July 31, 2006

The weekend

It was a pretty boring weekend, well sorta. Friday night Tracie came over and we talked and I made tacos and we crocheted and listened to music and Jake was good for the most part and my cat really REALLY likes Tracie's shoes.
Saturday morning Travis, Jake and I went to Sams, got some groceries, Travis left for work and Jake and I went to Jasyline's birthday party. Jasyline is the now 5 yr old daughter of my friend and co-worker Damarys. Here are some pics. (I tried to upload them, honest. Apparently Blogger still hates me. Please click on the links.)

Birthday girl blowing out her candle:

Jake and another little boy playing water balloon toss:

Jake and the other little boy losing water balloon toss:

Then that evening I went up to the church to meet with a new prospect for worship leader. He and his wife were very nice, we'll see what happens with that.

My friend from Choir gave me her box of mommy clothes and I was SOOOOO excited! When I got home after picking Jake up, we were watching Kangaroo Jack which I have never seen but it was cute so i wanted to watch too, but I really wanted to try on my new clothes and put them in the 2 piles - now and not for a while. I am wearing my mommy undies (VERRRRRY modest) and a sports bra, as I have been being very modest around him anyway. He looks at me like 7 or 8 outfits in and says "Eewe, mommy, I can see where your legs start!" ?? I looked down to make sure that my hidden parts were indeed hidden, and they were. "What do you mean Jake? "I see where your legs start and they're crinkly". "That's not very nice Jake." GREAT, the 5 yr old notices stretch marks. However, he didnt mention the ones on my belly which I guess is good, but THANKS!

No new chalk board masterpieces. I have to tell you that my mother has been very diligent in showing ALL her friends and everyone she has ever known the bathroom pic. She cant look at it without collapsing into fits of hysterical laughter. Yes, it was funny. Maybe next time he'll draw a nice horsey or the cat?

In other news, I went for my AFP blood draw today, i'm sure it's fine but I'll have any bad news by Wednesday. Speaking of doctors my friend Kerry is in surgery RIGHT NOW to have her thyroid removed. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks much.


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