crocheting, UPS and my eyeball
I really havent been getting much crocheting done. I started doing a square of this: (go down a few patterns to the Money afghan). Its coming out nicely but it takes a while. I've been working on it for 4 lunches and it aint done yet! I've got maybe 7 inches into it, and it will become a 12 inch square. I like the pattern though, I did my Bible cover in something really similar. After this is done, I have to block the squares then back to damn stars. Travis said to me the other day as I was browsing through patterns looking for something but not knowing what I wanted to do "you should make another flag afghan" grumble grumble grumbe. "Yes dear, I'm working on that."Three cheers for my step-dad Cliff for getting a new job at UPS! Trying to picture him in anything but a swimsuit and flip flops is difficult, and for this he had to get steel tip shoes and regular shorts! I imagine it's quite a sight. But yippee for him!
Yesterday I was having eyeball issues. I woke up and it felt like my right eye had a scratch under my bottom lashes (which did show up later, no clue, maybe the cat's attacking me in my sleep... wouldnt put it past him), and my left eyeball hurt inside the socket. Like it was bruised or something - I could look straight with my eyes but if I turned my eyes (without turning my head) it hurt like a sob. NOT fun. Tylenol in the morning didnt help and even at night I was just laying on the couch with the lights off watching Rockstar. I woke up this morning, and if I look WAY to the left or right it hurts (like while driving and merging onto the interstate) but aside from that its fine.
That's about it, cheers.
Your square looks great. I've almost got mine done but it's not as artistic as yours. I may do another one with a smaller hook and see if I like that better. I'm using an H and honest, to God there is no guage in the pattern, and I think the stitch is too open. Anyways we'll see what I end up with.
Amber :-)
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