Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Friday

Well, I did it. I bought the box and did the hair. It's a little more red than I think i've ever done, and the only person to see it so far has complimented it, so I think it's ok. I am a little worried that Travis will hate it, but he always does. But he doesnt care that he has gray hairs. Hmf. Anyway, here's a pic:

And speaking of did it, well, again, I found another cool license plate this morning. Well not the plate itself but the plate holder. Every time he hit the brakes that little box, which is a LED screen, would have words. "Support our Troops.... Pride Not Prejudice... Get off my Ass". Of course I wasnt lucky enough to get the thing lit up, but I drew a helpful arrow. I found this terribly amusing.

We really dont have a lot of plans this weekend, tomorrow we are going School supply shopping for Jake, his uniform shirts and jacket came in yesterday and he's thrilled to pieces. Then Sunday I think we are gonna try again to go to Pirates since it was sold out last time.

Lets see - Baby weighs .81 ounces or 23 grams. Baby is 2.79 inches or 7.4 cm. I'm hoping that i'll be able to feel it soon, some places I've read 16 weeks, this calendar says 14-15 for some women (2nd timers I'm guessing, of which I am one).


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the hair!!!
And someone so needs to buy me a plate that does that! Too neat!


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