Monday, July 10, 2006


Ok, this moring 9am I am at the Dr office for my OB checkup, travis is there too. Today we get to hear the heartbeat - how exciting. SO the doc tries for like 10 minutes to find it. No luck. So they need to do an ultrasound on me to make sure everything is ok. And since I go to the new office they dont have an ultrasound machine there, so I had to drive back to Peru to their other office to get one done. Now the reason I dont go to the other office for my visits... even though it is closer... is that it is large and you have to wait forever to be seen. The doc calls over there, yes they can see me and give them my name and they will bring me right back. Okeydokey. I go and give them my name and tell them that I need to be scanned and they are expcting me, then go sit down. 30 Minutes later (30!!) they call us back (me and Travis, he was there too), and do the scan. At first they do the transvaginal, and the baby looked very froglike, just because of the angle. And the baby is too big to see the whole thing that way, but we could see the spine really good. So they do the regular abdominal one and we were able to see. They said the reason they couldnt hear the heartbeat is probably because it was moving around too much. So we have a picture and i'll have Travis scan it tonight and i'll show you tomorrow.


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