My Crochet Spot
Friday, July 29, 2005
Well, I can mark the shoulder bag off my list, it's done. Today at lunch i'll work more on the hershey kiss hat (it's SOOOOOOOO cute), and i bought the white satin ribbon for the flag of it last night. That's it for now.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
I've been crocheting a lot and blogging a little
The past 2 days we spent at Disney- eating, enjoying ourselves, sweating, etc. I was able to crochet a little on the trip over but on the trip back i was pretty whipped and didn't get squat done. I did make it in time for crochet group last night though, and that is always fun.Here's an updated projects list:
Pillowghan (i havent touched it in many a month). I've got about 4 squares to finish that are about half done, then stitching them together.
Christening Gown - I finished the gown, the bonnet is done except for the ribbon and i've finished 1 bootie except for the little ribbon rose and ribbon.
Purses - I have to finish up the strap on the shoulder bag, I also finished a chenille w/fur on top purse that came out really cute.
The cow - I made this adorable cow hat from the Too Cute Crochet book, i'll post a pic in a bit. I also did 2 hooves but had to change that pattern up a bit.
Hershey kiss baby hat - this one is also out of the Too Cute Crochet book - it's sooo cute, and i cant wait to finish it, but i just started it last night.
Martha Poncho - it's so close to being done, but I must've miscounted somewhere so the edging isn't coming out like its supposed to. NO WAY am i frogging it, so i'm just faking it. It's so pretty and it looks like different yarns but it's just one with color waves.
I have not yet started nor have I purchased the yarn for an afghan that will be a Christmas gift to my son's God Parents. They picked the pattern and colors (thankfully it's a super easy one) and once it's a little cooler out i'll start on it.
Friday, July 22, 2005
My non-crochet evenings
My husband finished HP6 on Wednesday so that's when I got it. Usually I get a lot of crocheting done in the evenings while watching tv but the past 2 nights have been spend laying on my bed reading. I should be done tonight and then it's back to the regular crochet routine. At least I still get to get some done during lunch at work - that's how I was able to finish the bear purse and the shoulder bag. Today i'll try to finish up my Martha poncho, it's such a pretty color and so soft to work with. I doubt it'll be done today, but at least it will get a big dent in it.Thursday, July 21, 2005
The Shoulder Bag... Recreated
I have this great purse book - "In The Bag" out of which I have made 3 purses - 1 bear purse and 2 of the shoulder bags. The first shoulder bag I made following the pattern exactly and the results were very nice but I am not big on seams so I recreated it as seamless, it also saved some yarn. And here is my take on the pattern.
The Shoulder Bag
1 Skein Homespun, any color
2 1 inch buttons in complimenting color
Size I Hook, Tapestry needle
Round 1: Ch 29, sc in 2nd from hook and each accross. 3sc in end stitch, sc along back across, 2sc in beginning stitch, slip stitch to connect.
Round 2: Ch 1, sc in next stitch, 2sc in next, sc in next 27. For end stitches, 2sc, 1sc, 2sc, 1sc, 2sc. Sc in next 27, 2sc, 1sc, 2sc, 1sc, slip stitch to connect.
Round 3-29: Mark first row made to keep track. Sc in each stitch around (work continuous, so as not to make a seam.) (do not finish off)
**Mark 14 stitches evenly in each end for strap placement**
After you end 29 stitches (last stitch should be in far side of purse, or middle of strap):
Row 1: 7sc
Row 2: Ch1, turn, sc in next 14
Row 3 & 4: Ch1, sc across
Row 5: Ch 1. SC first 2 TOG, sc across to last 2. SC last 2 TOG (12 sc).
Row 6-8: CH 1, sc across.
Row 9 - 24: Ch 1. SC first 2 TOG, sc across to last 2. SC last 2 TOG (10 stitches).
Row 24 - 74: Repeat until 4 stitches remain. SC even for 50 rows.
Row 75: Ch 1. 2SC in first stitch, sc across to last. 2sc in last (6 sc).
Row 76 - 78: ch 1, sc across.
Row 79: Ch 1, 2sc in first stitch, sc across to last. 2 sc in last (8 sc).
Row 80 - 82: ch 1, sc across.
Row 83 - 94: repeat until you have 14 stitches.
Slip stitch, sc or whip stitch to connect strap end to area marked for strap on purse body (I whip stitched and it turned out nicely).
Flap: Ch 15, sc in 2nd from hook and across.
Ch 1, sc across (2 times).
Ch 1, sc first 2 stitches, ch 2, skip next 2 sc, sc across. C
h 1, sc across w/2 sc in hole created by ch2.
Ch 1, sc across (2 times).
Attach as shown in photo.
Pocket: CH 17, sc in 2nd from hook and across.
Work sc even for 12 rows.
Ch 1, SC in first 7 stitches, ch 2, skip next 2 sc, sc in remaining 7 stitches.
Ch 1, SC across for 2 rows.
TURN WORK: work sc in every row edge, 3 sc in corners, around 3 sides, fasten off leaving 18 inch tail to whip stitch pocket onto purse.
Edging: Slip stitch into first stitch next to flap, sc along back top of purse, in all sc's of strap and along the other side of the back top, ending at other side of flap, finish off. Slip stitch into any sc around front arm hole and SC all the way along strap, and front top of purse, finish off.
Sew on buttons for flap closure and pocket closure.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The bear purse
I finished the bear purse and it came SOOOO cute. I'm very pleased with it. I was able to go last night to JoAnns last night for the button nose and eyes. AND while I was there I just happend to notice that they still had the 30% off clearance sale still going on, so I bought some more yarn. Of course, this time it was Travis' fault! We had gone to Bennigans for a drink (to celebrate/mope over Jake leaving) and he asked if there was anywhere I needed to go while we were in town. No, I said... he says "not even Joanns or Michaels?" Well, of course I can ALWAYS buy yarn! $34.87 later... but everything I got (becides the buttons which I actually needed) was on clearance w/the extra 30% off. I got 7 skeins of homespun, since I didnt know if I would actually like working with it I only bought 3 last time, all the same color and i've made 3 purses out of them. I bought 4 colors (two each of 3 and 1 of purple cause it didnt have any friends). I also got 2 each of brown thick chenille, grey regular chenille and 3 burgandy something thick. I think I'm gonna make another bear purse out of the purple, I think that will look very cute. I also think I can fix that pattern... I'm so bad! Oh well, that's it, i'll post pictures soon I hope.Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I got my book in the mail!
My Too Cute Crochet book came in and I was pretty excited. It has got the most adorable hats and booties in it. It also has some mittens and scarves too, all for babies and toddlers. A few of my faves are a pink poodle had (with pink fluffy on top and long fluffy ears, and little fluffy mittens), a peppermint set with red/white beret & scarf, and the hershey kiss hat, it has a little white ribbon "flag" on top, it's adorable. I have promised myself that I will not make anything out of it until I finish up ALL my wips. We'll see how strong willed I am. I've started my 3rd color for border, I did 1sc, 1dc in navy then white, now i'm on light blue. I dont have enough white to do another sc/dc with it so I had to change my plan. It's coming out very nice and but a little small. More like a lap ghan - oh well. From what I hear nothing has ever not sold at the auction, so that gives me hope - then again I pray I'm not the first! Thats all for now.Monday, July 18, 2005
I made the cutest purse!
Of course I gave it to Stacy because it is SUCH a Stacy purse. Since I cant find a pic online of it from the pattern, guess i'll have to take one of my own and post it. It wont be for a while though, because the in-laws are taking our camera with them to MS & LA for 10 days... along with our son. It'll be so quiet in the house, but i'll miss him like crazy. I havent been away from him for this long ever! I think 2 or 3 days was the most.From the same book (In The Bag by Leisure Arts) as the Stacy Purse (aka Everyday Shoulder Sack) I found another adorable bag - Bear Purse - it's a purse for a little girl made out of homespun that looks like a bear. I just gotta get the eyes and a button nose and it will be done. (cant find that one online either - humph). Since I dont have anyone in particular for that one, it'll go on my website for sale. I also started to make another Stacy purse, but changed up the pattern a bit (i know, you're suprised arent you) but it's going easier and will look nicer going in rounds than front and back & stitching it together. There's more cute bags in here to make, but that will have to be after I finish up a few WIPs.
I also finished stitching together the squares for the sailboat afghan. It was supposed to have 12 sailboats, it has 9... and i'll make an extra big border frame. I HATE STITCHING SQUARES TOGETHER!!!!! I've got 1 sc round done and i've only got one more side to go in the dc before that row is done. I'm thinking 1sc, 2dc rows in navy, dc white, sc gold, dc white, 1sc, 2dc in light blue for the border. Oh well, i'm not getting paid for it and if it doesn't sell at the silent auction for work it'll go on my website for sale.
Guess that's it for now.
Friday, July 15, 2005
My crochet Group
We meet on Wednesdays at the Tampa Borders every other week. It's loads of fun and we learn a lot from eachother!
(i'm the one in the back on the left).
Thursday, July 14, 2005
My Crochet Pattern Book Addiction
So not only do I have YAS (yarn acquisition syndrome) but I also have a CPBA (crochet pattern book addiction). Such a sad sad thing too! I was ordering a book from Barnes And Noble that was completly non-crochet related and my total was 13.67. BUT if you spend more than $25 you get free shipping. Well, i'm all into saving money!!! So, i'm poking around the site and spot a wonderful crochet book I just HAD to have. "Too Cute Crochet for Babies and Todlers: A whimsical collection of hats, scarves, mittens & booties". The reviews on the book are very good, all 5 stars and it has pattern names like "peppermint pinwheel beret" complete w/candy cane scarf, "Black Kitten Cap" w/pointed ears and "Heidi Hat". But, i cant wait to get it and try the patterns out. I am confident that i'll be able to sell a bunch of baby stuff this fall at some of the craft fairs that are coming up.
Last night I had crochet group, and i'll post a pic once they are off the camera (story of my life). We had 6 ladies and as usual had to pay attention to not run over our 2 hours. It was nice and we talked about lotsa stuff from men who crochet to roller coasters and movies that scared us as kids - and how we still do silly stuff because of it (like not putting our feet on the floor from the bed in the dark). We'll meet again in 2 weeks. I really like Borders' strawberry banana smoothies but $3.91 is just a little too rich for my blood. Next time i'm bringing in my own water!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Baby Granny Blanket
These baby blankets came out so cute and were so super easy. It's just one big granny square - 6 rows of one color, then 6 of the next done in baby yarn and a J hook. For the edge on the pink & yellow one I did 2 rows of sc w/sc, ch2, sc in each corner. Blue I left with no border since I thought border looked a bit girly.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Halter Finished
Ok, I finished the halter, and I'll post a pic once my hubby gets it off the camera for me. It came out so cute, and fit her perfectly! Yippee! So, I started working on the sailboat afghan some more, but since that pretty much is an at home thing, I need some going out crochet... so I started the Going home poncho in this Sensations bocule in purple verigated (dark and light shade of the same color - very pretty). I also got a little further on the christening gown and it would probably be finished with about an hour of work, so that may be soon. We'll see! That's it for now.Friday, July 08, 2005
More Changes to the halter top
My deadline is FAST approaching and i have about 4 more hours to devote to this halter top - then i have to wrap it! The original directions for the top front of the halter were a little confusing but i had the jist of it and faked a little to get a wider top area. So the body of the halter is finished - yippee! Then the cord, i did a chain of 130 and then slip stitch in the back bump of the chain all the way down. It makes a very nice cord and i'll have to remember it for any future cord-needing projects! It was too short so i had to rig up a long cord by slip stitching to one end and chain/slip stitching about 30 more chains to make it long enough. The body of the halter is denim pound of love, the cord is off white, and the flowers on the bottom are blue in the center and white petals (i had to change them too). To make my flowers I ch5, slip st to make a circle. 12 sc in circle, sl st to join to first. With white i attach w/sl st, **ch 3, dc in next stitch, ch 3, sl st in next stitch** and repeat until you have 6 petals, leaving a long tail to attach (6-7 inches). Attach two petals to the bottom of the halter and 1 petal to the next flower on each side. I'll post a pic when it's done - i'll have to get Stacey to model it for me! That's all my crochet bits for now - more later!Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I just got this really sweet email and I wanted to post it! This will be my first sale through ecrafter when it comes through.
Hi there. I just recently made my page on eCrafters and was looking around tonight at some things I would be interested in purchasing and came upon those ADORABLE baby booties that you make! I am due with my second child Sept. 24 and will know for sure what I am having in 2 weeks so I am definitely going to choose my color and order some of those after that time! For now, I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your product and I look forward to ordering from you in the near future!
That's it, i just had to share!
Hi there. I just recently made my page on eCrafters and was looking around tonight at some things I would be interested in purchasing and came upon those ADORABLE baby booties that you make! I am due with my second child Sept. 24 and will know for sure what I am having in 2 weeks so I am definitely going to choose my color and order some of those after that time! For now, I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your product and I look forward to ordering from you in the near future!
That's it, i just had to share!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The changing halter top
Ok, so I found this great little pattern for an adorable halter top that i'm making Stacy (my hopefully soon to be sister in law if my bro in law would hurry and propose) for her birthday. It's called, well I dont see a name. Here's the link - I didnt really like the way it was turning out sooooo, I changed it.
I'm using pound of love (in denim) and a E hook. I followed the ch 160 and joinded to form a circle and sc around (instead of making a front and back as per instructions). I did the shell stitch (sk 2 sc, 5 dc in next, sk 2 sc, sc in next... repeat) around then DID NOT TURN, ch3, 2dc in same stitch, repeated shell around and ended w/2 dc in same as starting ch3&2dc - sl st to join. Continue doing shell around, and that's where i am now - about 12 rows & 4 inches up... with a bunch to go before the deadline of Stacy's b-day on saturday!
My project list
I'm working on:A pillow ghan in purples & greens. I've only got 4 more squares to finish and they are about half done, then stitching them together. The squares are very pretty, but i'm concerned about piecing them together - i still dont understand how it makes a pillow... guess i'll figure it out.
A sailboat afghan done in 2.5 inch squares (a million and a half of them). I've got about 1/3 of the squares done and 3 boats put together. There will be 12 boats total. It's done in red white & blues and is very pretty so far - just a pain. I hate stitching together squares!
A christening gown - last night i finished the skirt and started on the sleeves and neckline. I'm making the pattern up as I go based on a bonnet / bootie pattern that I have - it's all done in little shells (3 dc, ch1, 3dc) and is very pretty, but now comes the hard part... figuring out how to do the sleeves like i see in my head! I have the bonnet done also, then come the booties. This is done in thread.
A small shell halter top for my hopefully-soon-to-be-sister-in-law in denim pound of love. It's coming out very nice but its done with a tiny hook so it's taking a while to do. I need to finish it by Saturday (her birthday) so i'm working on that all the time right now ... that i'm not with her!
That's it for now!
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- Thursday 13
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