Friday, July 08, 2005

More Changes to the halter top

My deadline is FAST approaching and i have about 4 more hours to devote to this halter top - then i have to wrap it! The original directions for the top front of the halter were a little confusing but i had the jist of it and faked a little to get a wider top area. So the body of the halter is finished - yippee! Then the cord, i did a chain of 130 and then slip stitch in the back bump of the chain all the way down. It makes a very nice cord and i'll have to remember it for any future cord-needing projects! It was too short so i had to rig up a long cord by slip stitching to one end and chain/slip stitching about 30 more chains to make it long enough. The body of the halter is denim pound of love, the cord is off white, and the flowers on the bottom are blue in the center and white petals (i had to change them too). To make my flowers I ch5, slip st to make a circle. 12 sc in circle, sl st to join to first. With white i attach w/sl st, **ch 3, dc in next stitch, ch 3, sl st in next stitch** and repeat until you have 6 petals, leaving a long tail to attach (6-7 inches). Attach two petals to the bottom of the halter and 1 petal to the next flower on each side. I'll post a pic when it's done - i'll have to get Stacey to model it for me! That's all my crochet bits for now - more later!


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