My Crochet Spot
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday 13
13. Tia’s chips, salsa & queso 12. Taco Bell Encherito, no onions and a side of sour cream 11. Homemade schnitzel w/Pasta Roni Angel Hair Pasta & herbs and Lesure peas 10. Lobster Nepolean from Sawgrass Marriott in Ponta Vedra Beach, FL 9. Spaghetti with good sauce. I use Prego and kick it up a bit. 8. Crab legs 7. Lobster 6. Shrimp 5. mac & cheese, out of a box, I really don’t like home made mac & cheese. 4. krab dip – a lovely creation of cream cheese, cocktail sauce, krab and little shrimps served with Ritz crackers. 3. ice cream – anything but butter pecan or mint chip. 2. Taco dip – yummo. w/Tostitos scoops of course. 1. Shepards pie. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Guess I should write.
I really dont have anything to write about, i'm on the heel flap of sock #2, and it's going slow but ok. After this sock I will figure out how to correct purl by watching multiple how to videos, thats the plan anyway. I have, however, purchased 2 books and won a bid on some roving.Spin It: Making Yarn from Scratch by Lee Raven
Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles: A Manual of Elegant Knitting Techniques and Patterns by Cat Bordhi
Both great to look at and seemingly useful, i'll let you know. I am excited to figure out how to knit socks on circs, it's strange to use 2 circs for 1 pair of socks, but she claims it works and Stephanie ( ) is in love with Cat so i'll give it a shot. I bought this: and have a bid out on a lot of 4 spindles. If I get that, my total will be $42 and if I split it between the 3 other gals in my little group, thats only $10 a piece which is fantastic. Not that I asked them if they would want to do this... so if not then I just spent $42 on stuff that I can only use one at a time of and then i'll just be a dork.
Since I dont really have any progress to report or pics to show i thought i'd share my crochet story.
This first part is a small area of contention, since my memory and my mothers differ slightly, though both may be right and are not mutually exclusive. When I was young - like 4 or 5, I remember being in my Grandmother (Nanny)'s house crocheting chain stitches. I went there every summer for a couple weeks and every other winter for a week, and thats what I remember about being there - crocheting chain stitches. I dont remember being taught, I just remember knowing how to do it. My mom says she taught me how but I dont remember it, and I dont remember crocheting when i was in her house, so while it may have happened that way, it didnt stick, sorry Mom.
Nanny has many crocheted afghans in her home - most products of the 70's, but beautiful and each one etched in my brain. She has made for me an afghan that is very cool and I dont know how it was made - it's red white & black wide stripes with a textured drop diamond pattern made to look like an Indian pattern. That year that I got it, my siblings also got one, and I'm pretty sure that either that same year or one before/after it that my cousins got one too. Every baby that comes gets one - my son got a blue afghan, again I have no idea how she made it. Its kinda zig-zagy done with 3dcs the next to it are 3 tilted dcs. No clue. He loves it and uses it. He has also confiscated mine. The child does like his handknits, ur, hand crochets.
Anyway, it went on like this for years. Every year I went up to Nanny's house and every year I would crochet a chain stitch garland. I dont really remember doing anything else. THEN when I was working at Disney, one of the gals on my team was pregnant and crocheting her baby a blanket. Lightbulb. HEY, I know how to do that! So I went to the store and bought some crochet hooks and some yarn and started on the blanket that never ends. Red Heart Super Saver in White and Med Sage afghan big enough for a queen bed. **at this point Travis and I were engaged so at least I had some sembelance of domesticity coming up for which this would be used for** THis thing is HUGE, on our bed it hangs over the sides by 18 inches EACH side and it is long enough to reach top to bottom of the bed... I gave up early so it doesnt hang over that way. It is in stripes about 2-3 inches each. Some are 2, some are 3, some are in between. Sad, I know, but it was really my first project. You can tell because it was all done in SINGLE CROCHET!!!!! Crack, yes I know. But I worked on that thing pretty often, at work (we were taking phone reservations and were alowed to crochet on the clock) until it would no longer fit in a bag, then because it was so big and thick I would only work on it in the winter. 4 years later I have myself an afghan. It's a monster and very warm and big and not terribly beautiful but I hope that my child will cherish it. By the time I finished that I was working at Verizon and occasionally would pass by the crochet aisle at Michaels while looking for scrapbook crap. Then I saw this book: and inside is a pattern for an American Flag Afghan. It had to be mine. So I bought it, along with the yarn to make the American Flag - again with the Red Heart. Do you recall me mentioning that I was taught how to do other stitches than Single Crochet and Chain Stitch? Me Neither. Nor did I know how to read a pattern. Brilliant, I know. BUT, when I started reading the pattern it made sense and I was able to do it - dc's, tc's, weird stars that took frogging 14 times before they would work (now i can do them in my sleep if you are ever doing that pattern and need help). I worked on it at home and at work during lunch and breaks. My friends of course thought i was nuts, but thats ok, i could talk and crochet so they were fine. When I was done, it looked like this:
Loved it. However, my house is anything but Americana, but one of my co-workers house was Americana... or at least a little part of her house, including the couch. So I gifted this to her. She loved it and when she showed her family they wanted one too... to the tune of 3 more. Ok, what do I charge for this? Everything I had read said that a good rule was 3x your materials - ok, $30. I was excited, it gave me taco bell money and I really was thrilled that anyone would want my hobby. I bought a couple more books, sold some more afghans, and eventually had a list on my cube wall saying who was next on the list, and what they wanted. By the time I left I had made 7 afghans I think. After I left I decided that I'd start charging $50, and now $70 for my afghans. I have sold a few at craft fairs, but nothing like the business I had working at Verizon. But that's ok. I have made gifts for friends and family, and a bunch of stuff to sell. My problem is that I find a pattern that I like, and it will be a challenge but I wont use the things. Do you know how many purses I've made because I thought they were cute? Too many. And scarves? same thing. It's getting better now, I swear. Yeah, I didnt believe that either.
Then I started this blog and reading other crocheters blogs and found The Crochet Dude. I Love his blog and read it every day and he put me onto Purl and I love her blog and read it every day. SHES to blame for the knitting. Sorta.
When Jake was about 9 months old he got croup and was in the hospital for 3 days. Joy of joys. I decided that I would use that time to teach myself how to knit. I went to Michaels and bought a "teach yourself to knit kit" and got a skein of yarn from my stash and set out to it. In those 3 days I acomplished a square about 4x6 inches. I could have crocheted that square in 15 minutes. Knitting was very much a stupid craft. Why would you knit something if it took so long? Back to crochet I went. THEN the blog, and the Purl and she was knitting the cutest things and I can do that! So I bought some knitting needles and got out that old book and tried again. I tried with a scarf on big needles with big yarn and it was crap. But as you can see from the blog, its getting better. My goals are to learn to cast off and change colors and purl correctly. Lofty goals, I know. But anyway, that's it. I'm done. Have a good one.
How Well Do You Know Me?
How well do you know me?>For instance, did you know.....>>Four jobs I have had in my life>1.Membership Administrator - FLorida RV Trade Association>2.Travel Agent - Disney
>3. Ball Crawl Attendant - Chuck E Cheese
>4. Phone Book Closer - Verizon
>Four movies I would watch over and over>1. Clerks>2. Hitari
>3. Cutting Edge>4. Airheads
>Four places I have lived>1. Tampa, FL
>2. Waddington, NY
>3. Tulsa, OK
>4. Seffner, FL
>Four current TV shows I love to watch>1. American Idol>2. NCIS
>3. CSI
>4.Rachel Ray
>Four places I have been on vacation>1. Waddington, NY
>2. Biloxi, MS
>3. Disney World
>4. Memphis, TN
>Four websites I visit daily>1. (my blog)
>2. (she cracks me up)
>3. (she, too, cracks me up)
>Four of my favorite foods>1. Mexican>2. Italian
>3. Angel Food from Smoothie King
>4. crab legs
>Four places I would rather be right now>1. in bed
>2. Waddington, NY
>3. Disney
>4. fishing
>Four friends I have tagged that I think will respond the fastest>1. Tracie
>2. Damarys
>3. Amy
>4. the blog
>I've been tagged, so here it goes...delete my answers, replace themwith >Your own and send it back to me and onto your other friends
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Who's paying attention?
Ok, i know i have a few people that read this, tell me who you are and your city/state. Or, put yourself on the map.... the frappr map. Tell me what you like or dont like about what i post. I've always been a writer, and i am trying to get better at it. Comments would be much appreciated. Thanks. I'll try to post more later on, I think i actually have some work to do. Scary thought, I know.Monday, April 24, 2006
Stripy Sock & Fishing
My Mom, Grandpa, Travis, the sock and I went fishing on Sunday. I wanted to bring the sock in progress, but Travis said no. My mom had no problems posing with the sock on the boat.
My mom was the only one to not catch anything, and silly me only got a pic of my Grandpa catching the one he threw back.
It was a nice bonding time, we had a lot of fun. I only got a very slight sunburn which is good. So we caught 3 snappers, plus 2 pity fish and they didnt want any so we have 5 to cook tonight. Now, I love to fish but I dont like to eat fish. Crazy, I know. I did tell Travis that i'd try it, but I do expect to make a lot of probably mac n cheese as a side so i can eat mostly that and a little fish. I was a little disappointed that the fishing wasnt better, but they did warn us when we got on the boat. This time of year is bad because all the fish are full of eggs and dont feel hungry for the bait. I thogught that was pretty interesting.
After the first one we kept the boat guy asked us what number we wanted. Silly question - but 37 was still available. Guess not everyone is as enamored with Clerks as I am. Who knew?
Here's our catch - 3 snappers. Not the red ones.
Here's a better pic of the fish.
As we were leaving I was trying to get a pic of the sock saying goodbye to the boat. Travis felt pity and held it for me. Sucker.
After ripping out the stupid second sock 2 times, i'm finally done with starting it. I've got about 2.5 inches done. Hopefully since i wont be ripping it out anymore (God willing) that it will be done soon.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Stripy sock, swimming and the accident
So last night I went to my MIL's with Jake to go swimming - him, not me. He's doing so good - look, no floatation device!!! He had panic this winter when we started breaking it to him that he would NOT be getting a floaty bathing suit. PANIC.
I brought my sock to finish up. (hehehe, look - just like Stephanie ( )... LOVE her) (I know, I know... I'm a follower)
The sock had a nice time watching Jake and Andrew (his God-brother) playing in the pool. Andrew, who does not look amused in this picture was actually having a good time, I just think that the sock having its picture taken scared him somewhat.
After we went home, i was able to finish the sock, isnt it beautiful. I tried to cast on the second one but had some casting on issues. I'll do it here in a little bit. Oh, and the accident.
I was able to leave work at 4 yesterday, thank you Desiree! And I accidently went to Joann's. Yes, it was an accident. ahem. BUT I only spent 10.69 AND I bought this:
Which may or may not become Laurie's ( ) Brangalina hat.
AND this:
Not too bad I thought since the only thing i didnt pay sale prices on is the luster sheen and that was the closest thing to sock yarn in the whole store. I was excited, everything else was on clearance and clearance was 75% off. Yippee. It was a happy accident.
Thursday 13 on Friday (oops)
13. Opal GT (or mini-corvette) in, of course, pearl 12. Dune Buggy 11. Dodge Daytona (no clue.) 10. VW Bug – the old one 9. VW Thing – how cool is a car that can go in water? 8. Fiero (thanks ryan) 7. Malibu (I wanna Malibu, oh oh oh, oh oh and I have one) 6. Cabriolet – cute, convertible 5. Jeep Wrangler – red automatic (also at the top of the list for after my child(ren) are grown) 4. Maserati. I just like saying Maserati. 3. Honda Odyssey (yes it’s a minivan)(yes I want a minivan) 2. Dodge Durango 1. 65 Mustang Convertible – red w/white pony interior (still up there in my list) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
Last night and whoring out candles
Last night some of the ladies met for an impromptu crochet (I knit) party at Tracie's job. It was fun and we laughed so hard we cried. And then there was the "please dont tell something funny when I'm drinking" incident. Stephanie made THE most adorable amiguri panda. I of course didnt take any pictures of ANYTHING last night because i'm a dumbass.I am whoring out CandleLite candles. The nice girls at the meeting bought some. I am so not cut out for this kind of thing. I'll pass a book to my mom and travis' mom and then i'm done. If you would like some wonderful candles in a bazillion awesome scents (my faves are cucumber mint & sheer luxury), let me know and i'll get a book to you, wonder if you can see their cool stuff online? You can indeed. let me know what you want to order and i'll provide free shipping from me to you (you still have to pay partylite's shipping though).
Um, i knit on the sock some last night, then once i was home realized a bad BAD mistake - like decreasing 2x what i was supposed to bad. Its not that i misread the instructions... I just thought that I had them in my memory. HAHAHAHA - me with the worst memory on the planet thought i had rememebred something. Silly silly me. So i got to frog KNITTING!!!!! urg. But I really do like my socks, and so did all the other girls.
Thats it for now. Jakey says his arm is ok and i need to stop asking him. Guess thats a good sign. Karate yesterday he says was fine and he didnt learning anything new.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Jakey injuries
Monday was no school, and quite handily Travis is off on Mondays. So they had a "Daddy Day". They went to Medard Park in Plant City. Medard holds some special memories for us - that is where I was proposed to, that is where we had Jake's 1st birthday party, lotsa stuff. The park has got these HUGE trees, the roots of which make up these hills and it's lots of fun to climb. Jake LOVES this area - its in the shade and there are trails up there and with the climbing. Well, this happened:He was climbing and slipped and "rode" a root down getting like a road rash all the way from elbow to armpit. He also has 2 scrapes on his back but they are little - like quarter size. BUT he was brave and didnt scream. There were a few tears and he would not let me NEAR it to clean. luckily it isnt really open, just scraped. And in the shower i was able to get it clean. Poor little guy. This was last night so it had been 36 hours since it actually happened.
In yarn news, I did not work on my sock last night during idol or NCIS. I know, i'm a slacker. I'll do some during lunch, promise.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The Stripy Sock
I LOVE this sock... so far. Oh, did I tell you I found out that I'm purling wrong, then when i thought i was doing it right it's still wrong? I maybe have some issues. I brought another book with me today to see if I can fix the purling.Here's my sock so far:
Adorable... I know! I hope though, that i am able to figure out where to start #2 so that it matches... at least a little bit.
Ok, that's it for now. Cheers.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Yarn Closeups
Here is the yarn I bought in Jax.This is 100% Wool and although you cant see it, there is little flecks pinks and blues in there. I am planning on pairing it with a pale pink to make another felted tote bag.
This is self striping sock yarn in superwash & cotton with a little nylon. I have already started this sock, and i'll try to take a pic tonight - forgot the camera. LOVE it! tan/denim/chocolate.
Katia Inguena in rose. It was very pretty until the cat decided to
try and eat it. No worries, none was eaten, but it was not fun putting it back together. I think this will become an open work lacy shawl. Its very fuzy mohair, and I love it.
Now this wasnt bought in Jax but this is the Queen Anne's Lace Cotton that I got at Uncommon Threads and have finally, successfully dyed using Rit.
Well, that's it for now. Maybe more later if I can think of something.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Smoothies, great food, wonderful room & yarn porn
Ok, here is my trip in 50 pictures or less.Damarys and I left the office and went to Smoothie King for fortification for a 9 billion hour drive to Amelia Island Plantation ( ).
On the road, and it was very difficult to take her picture while i was driving on I-75. I'm just sayin... i didnt get into a wreck and that is a very good thing.
We stopped at Taco Bell for lunch on the way up, I think we were near Gainesville. No, that is not Coke. (2 more days and counting)
This is a pic from a room at Amelia Island Plantation. Look, Real waves!
We finally got to the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra Beach ( )too late for me to go to Jax for yarn. Oops. Here is a couple pics of my suite. This is my bed and the little living room and my bathtub (no i wasnt gonna get in the tub with a skirt on)(yes i did take a bubble bath later):
See that bed... most comfortable i've ever slept in... and it had stairs! That evening we had THE most expensive meal I have ever eaten. 3 people and we ordered almost the same thing. We all got the filet, and same appetizers but I had lobster bisque and Pam the sales lady had Ceaser salad and also added another Lobster Napolean to her filet. $244 for 3 people not including tip and no alcohol. CRAZY!!! Fancy restaurant... yep, and here's pics. I know, you can't take me anywhere!
Lobster Napolean w/Chervil Butter Sauce and Shaved Truffle. Never had truffle before. YUMMMMMMO. I coulda eaten like 10 of these things.
Lobster Bisque w/a little bread stick thing. That red stuff in the bread stick was very spicy. The bisque had a warm cognac taste.
Filet Minon with grilled aspargas and whipped garlic potatoes
Dessert - Creme Brulee'. Damarys got this Chocolate Lava torte and Pam got hot apple crisp and they were both really good too.
The next day we toured the hotel and it definatly has my vote for the '08 convention. Afterwards it was yarn shopping time. The shop is called A Stitch in Time ( ) and very large. The front half was all cross stitch and the back half yarn.
I bought a set of dpns, 1 ball of Katia Ingenua in a dark rose, 1 ball of Regia superwash/cotton self striping sock yarn and 2 Galway Highland Heather in grey that i will pair with a light pink to make another bag. I'll post pics of those another time, I think i've done enough.
Thursday 13
I was out of town yesterday, so here's a Friday Edition of Thursday 13 13 Thing’s I’ve wanted to do when I grow up 13. Become a pop star 12. Write historical fiction novels 11. Write contemporary romance novels 10. Photographer for travel magazines 9. Fighter Pilot for f-16’s 8. Apartment Leasing Manager 7. Work at Joann’s 6. Hooters Girl 5. Wedding Photographer 4. Cake Decorator 3. Wedding Planner 2. Raise race horses 1. Own a Yarn Shop Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Monday, April 10, 2006
Mothers day sock
Ok, so i finished up Joanne's 1st sock for mothers day. I like it, it's nice and stretchy, but goes back into shape like it's supposed to. And look.... ribbing! I'm on the ribbing part of the second sock. I'm gonna send her this one in time for Mothers Day, then a couple days later send her the other one.... 2 socks indeed!And I managed to figure the correct way to stitch the toe together! Anyway, that's it for now.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Unfortunate socks?
So you know i finished the other socks - YIPPEE!!!! But now i want to make my step mom some - I think i'll send her one because she was the one to mention that socks need to be 2... whatever; then a day later send her the other one... hehe. ANyway, so i'm looking in my sock book for socks to make her. I have 2 different yarns in contention for the socks (henceforth known as purple and teal)and a few patterns in my book that I like. There are these:
And these 2:
Now I started with the purplie socks in the purple yarn. You cant really see but they have these LITTLE bitty cables that were in the following pattern:p2, k2tog but leave the stitches on the left needle, then k into the 1st stitch of the k2tog then slip sts off left needle, p2. Then 2 rows of k2p2. Very cute. But they ended up being a bit of a pain in the arse, and a little small I thought for a grown up foot.
So here's how it went:
Purple socks, purple yarn
ivory socks purple yarn
ivory socks teal yarn
teal socks teal yarn
teal socks purple yarn and that's where I am now - and i've done 3/4 inch. only 800 more to go!
Urg. Plus there's my husbands genius at work. Last night as I was frogging the purple sock in the purple yarn he says "honey, why dont you go back to crocheting since you were much happier doing that". Dear sweet man. Does he not understand that I need to conquer the knitting?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Thursday 13
13. When I grow Up I want to own a Yarn Shop 12. With a lending library and bookstore upstairs 11. And a back yard where I can have angora bunnies & miniature sheep 10. I want to make a lotto ticket cozy so the ticket can feel the yarn love 9. But I’m a procrastinator 8. I do keep buying a ticket, almost every week 7. Haven’t won anything yet. Ever. 6. I maybe will add a little food area w/cookies and such 5. And REAL Coke, because I love it. 4. I have not had a coke in 37 days. 3. Hehe, I just said 37. (you’d have to see my favorite movie to understand) (it’s Clerks) 2. I REALLY miss coke. 1. Apparently they moved Easter – so I have 10 more days. But who’s counting. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
So the first sock is done and the second one halfway. Here it is, sorry it's a weird pic, I had a hard time making it either lay down or stand up right.Look, you can see my m&m jar (they're mixed with recees, yummmmo).
SO I'm on the round and round part, and if I can work on it tonight at the crochet meeting (not sure, since it is the evil knitting) then maybe I'll be close to the toe. I am really suprised that they are a lot easier than i expected them to be. They are actually easier than the crochet socks (shh, apparently that's a secret). I am actually looking forward to doing my step moms socks too (with ribbing, and a taller top, I swear) but havent decided on the purple or the teal. probably the purple since it feels really nice and I bet will be great on socks.
Anyway, guess thats it for now.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Because I am, maybe, ill
This morning I got to get a root canal - joy of joys. But Tuesday Morning is just a tinsy weensy bit out of the way so i went. $36 later.... I got some wool. No clue what to do with the top one, it's like worsted weight. The other 2 are like sock weight.
And speaking of socks....
Guess what that is. Yep! AND I already am on the heel flap of #2. No second sock syndrome here, nosireebob. Course, I have, maybe, forgotten a little bit about the unfortunate jacket. Once the socks are done, then I make another pair for my step-mom for mothers day, I promise to finish that stupid thing. And I did kinda realize what the ribbing is for. whoops! I'll do it on the next ones, I swear.
That's it for now I suppose.
- Google News
- My Items For Sale
- Photos Of My Projects
- The Crochet Dude
- Fabulosity
- The City of Crochet
- Mason Dixon Knitting
- Crazy Aunt Purl
- Yarn Harlot
- Celtic Memory Yarns
Previous Posts
- Thursday 13
- Crazy runs amok and gnome entanglements
- Sorry, I got nothin
- Whoops - forgot babyville
- Jakey and Aliceon sittin in a tree...
- I dont have second sock syndrom !
- Crazy-cat-ville & Playing with baby
- Thursday 13 part 2
- Thursday 13
- better, at least