Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So the first sock is done and the second one halfway. Here it is, sorry it's a weird pic, I had a hard time making it either lay down or stand up right.

Look, you can see my m&m jar (they're mixed with recees, yummmmo).

SO I'm on the round and round part, and if I can work on it tonight at the crochet meeting (not sure, since it is the evil knitting) then maybe I'll be close to the toe. I am really suprised that they are a lot easier than i expected them to be. They are actually easier than the crochet socks (shh, apparently that's a secret). I am actually looking forward to doing my step moms socks too (with ribbing, and a taller top, I swear) but havent decided on the purple or the teal. probably the purple since it feels really nice and I bet will be great on socks.

Anyway, guess thats it for now.


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