Thursday 13
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Crazy runs amok and gnome entanglements
This morning we had to take my car in to get the ac fixed ($930.... OUCH)(especially when I thought it just needed a freon charge)(wrong), and we were talking as he was driving me into work. Apparently last night I got up to go to the bathroom and when I walked back to the bed I shook Travis' foot he said "what, huh?" I said "what, huh, what?" he said "what do you want" I said "nothing, go back to bed". After that he couldnt get back to sleep, he went to the living room to watch tv, and came back a couple hours later and found, when he laid down, the tv remote from the bedside table. That is on my side. And I was sleeping. I have NO clue about ANY of this. Usually I remember getting up to go to the bathroom, but I didnt even remember that! The crazy seeps into my sleep. Usually it causes halucinations, but not this time, just doing crazy stuff. Poor poor Travis.
And, I forgot to post this the other night, we gals got together at Perkins last Wednesday night, and Dani passed Gnomebert on to Tracie who will be taking him to Convention. While at Perkins, Gnomebert got himself entangled in some yarn - NO, I didnt do it! However, I did take a pic! Sorry for the blurry... I couldnt figure out macro on my camera.
Nothing exciting on the babyville calendar except ONE MORE WEEK!!!!!
Sorry, I got nothin
Um, I worked on mom's sweater at lunch yesterday, and the sock at home. I made schnitzel and I forgot the leftovers - guess i'll have them for supper. Watched Treasure Hunters, went to bed. So exciting, I know!
Did I tell you I got tickets to an Afternoon With Kevin Smith on 9/23? I'm excited about that, since I love Kevin Smith!!! I leave for Convention in 2 weeks, and I'd say i'm 95% ready - which is a good thing. I find out if its a boy or girl in 8 days - which is a VERY good thing. SOOOO excited. I hope they give me printouts and not just the video tape... I want to be able to show you something.
Sorry for the boring, there's just nothing new to tell. Cheers, and I hope you're life is more exciting.
Whoops - forgot babyville
I keep doing that! But in my defense it's usually only when i've been fighting with Blogger and Blogger is winning. Anyway...
19 wks LMP - baby is 8.47 ounces or 240 grams and 6.02 inches or 15.3 cm long!
How exciting... and in 9 days i'll know if it's a boy or girl! yeah!
Names so far are:
Sean Joseph
Katherine Mae (Katie Mae for short) or Emily Katherine... that one's still kinda up in the air.
Jakey and Aliceon sittin in a tree...
I told this story to my mom and she insisted I post it here... ostensibly so she can share with her friends, but thats ok, it really was cute.
So last Sunday we went to Hans and Kerry's place, you remember - the crocheted goodness and the almost tears and hats and scarves? Well while we were there, Tracie and I were sitting on the couch, Kerry on the rocker, Travis and Hans chatting about firearms I'm sure, in the kitchen, the kids playing in the playroom. There is a hallway right behind where the couch is that leads to the stairs that lead to the playroom. From behind us, Tracie, Kerry and I hear Jake say "Do you want to kiss?". I say "Nooooo." Aliceon "It's ok." "Noooo" from me. Jake says "But I'm going to marry Aliceon", Hans and I say "then you can wait until you're married to kiss". Hysterical really and it took all of my might not to bust out laughing. Tracie was [-] this close to gigglefits.
I remembered one of the first conversations Hans and I had when we reunited after a 14 year absence. He was telling me about his girls, and of course I told him about Jake, and they were both 4 at the time. Hans says they'll be great friends and get married someday. Ok, sure. Now I wonder if he was being profetic or just weird. They are both insanely adorable and would probably make cute kids... just sayin.
A mini-montage of Aliceon and Jake:
PS: I really need to work on getting photoshop on this computer. I tried to put their faces on a little bride and groom clipart thing but failed. Maybe someday I'll be hip with the techmology.
I dont have second sock syndrom !
Well, maybe just a little, teensy, weensy bit. BUT I can be redeemed. I cast on the 2nd sock from the Patons Grace that I started on our anniversary trip. In May. Whoops! I am 3 rounds in and I will work on that while I watch the game, here by myself because of boy bits. But that's ok, really. No really. I'll play online, work on my sock and eat.
I did my toes, instead of going to get a feeticure because this is cheaper. My baby toe has a teeny little nail and looks funky but oh well, nothing i can do about it.
I went to the store and got some TGI Friday's spinach artichoke dip for dinner tonight. YUMMMMMO.
Mom's sweater is taking a while... and so I dont throw it, I'm doing the sock. I did 14 rows and it measured 3.5 inches. ??????! Its gonna take forever, maybe she'll get it NEXT Christmas. Dont even ask about the flag.
Would you like a project update?
American Flag Afghan - 17 stars done (of 46, plus 6 half motifs, plus the stripes)
Baby going home outfit - booties done, hat about half done - knit in jamie baby
Grace khaki socks - 1 & 3/1,ooo done (maybe not quite that much to go, but still, it's knit)
Moms sweater - 14 rows of 82 plus 5 sets of "next rows continue in established pattern" and who knows how much that is.
That's it for now suppose. Cheers.
Crazy-cat-ville & Playing with baby
I have known all along that my cat was a little, um, crazy at times. Those times being in at 3am, but crazy. Last night I heard the rustling of plastic coming from the dining room, I head in there and we have a little pop-up boxy “tent” thing for him to be in – and in the bottom of his house… the bag of catnip. Now please know that the cat nip usually resides on the upper shelf of the Sideboard (think Microwave cart w/ the top thing but longer). Last night, however, it was residing on the kitchen counter and I didn’t know why. I figured it was because Travis found it on the floor and put it up on the counter “away from the cat”… yeah right! And I could tell by the hole in the bag that it was time to put him in kitty-rehab so I threw it away. Travis was up this morning with me so I told him about it and told him to throw away the scratching post (the useless because he has no nails scratching post) because that is what the catnip was for. And we wonder why he’s so crazy… he really is a pot head! Moving on.
Last night as I was laying on my back waiting to fall asleep I felt the baby kick. And when it happened again, I had my hand on my belly and I could feel it from the outside! I was terribly excited, and I poked back, and got another kick. But that was it, even after I poked again. But it was neat that now it can be felt by someone other than me (not that anyone was home at the time, or that it works when I’m not laying on my back, but still).
Babyville: (from yesterday because… I forgot) What was I doing? Forgetfulness is a common occurrence in pregnancy. Try making lists to remind yourself of your tasks. This is normal and the tension it causes usually just makes it worse. Today: If you haven’t felt movement yet, remember it varies from woman to woman.
Thursday 13 part 2
8. Gnomebert goes to Washington
9. Sunset in the Keys at Convetion '05
10. It's an armhole!
11. Jake's work of art - the toilet... remember?
12. Jake and Aliceon sittin in a chair....
13. The sock... and my mom fishing
Thursday 13
This has to be different because what i want to do wont cooperate with the Thursday 13 layout.
My 13 Favorite Pictures.
1. My family
2. Jake's stitches
3. Jake playing the guitar
4. Jake haming it up at the park!
5. My wedding day - 5/1/99
6. My wedding day part 2
7. Naked baby
8. Baby Fondren #2
And of course blogger hates me so the rest will be on another post. Sorry folks.
better, at least
Well I am feeling better than yesterday and the doc said my pain was either round ligament pain or constipation. Lovely, I know, sorry. We'll see how it goes.
Yesterday on my way home I had to stop for gas and I saw this:
I'm thinking that if my rear view mirror was all dangly like that i'd either remove it or get it fixed. Because, c'mon! You take a sharp turn and it's smacking you in the head!
In crochet news, I had started a sweater for my mom for Christmas (yes, it's August, aren't you proud?) but I didnt like how it was coming so I frogged it. Now i'm on the hunt for a better sweater pattern. Tra is bringing a book to me to look at, hopefully i'll find something I like. I tried another one that was cute, but when i did the guage (yes, really) it was too big, and I cant find the hook it actually calls for... whoops! Where do all the F hooks go? Do they all get together for a F party somewhere beyond our reach? That's probably it. Hrm! So we'll see how it goes.
Babyville - the calendar is telling me to do something for myself - I'm thinking a feeticure? I really need to do something with my toes before convention which I leave for in 2 weeks and 6 days... but who's counting!
Blah blah
I feel like CRAP. I have this pain on my left side and it's making me a little anxious. It started yeserday a little before lunchtime, and hasnt stopped yet. Its really only when I'm getting up or walking. Standing seems to be ok, so is sitting but weird things like gas hurt too. So I have a doc appt at 1:30 today to make sure everything is ok. As long as I dont get bed rest for at least 3 weeks i'll be fine. After Convention they can do whatever they want. Guess that's it for now.
This weekend
Ok, so here's the pics from Friday that Jake took of me making Kerry's hat:
And the one where I had feline help:
That's pretty much what I did on Friday night, and Saturday until I finished it. It came out really cute, pics of it in a bit. Sunday we went to Church, then Subway and waited like 45 minutes for our sandwiches! We SO shoulda not gone there. Travis' sandwich made him sick on the way to Hans & Kerry's (in my car AND on the highway), then again in their bushes - eewe, but he felt better. He thinks it was the pickles. SO glad i'm not the pukey kind of pregnant, or i wouldnt have been able to clean it up. Thanks Tracie for keeping your own lunch down!
We got there, and Kerry opened her presents! She loved Loved LOVED them all! The girls loved their scarves, and everybody was happy. It's lunchtime and i'm hungry so i'm being brief, sorry.
Babyville: You might start feeling Braxton Hicks contractions. These are not the real thing, just your body getting ready (yep, started feeling these last week - urg). 18 wks LMP, baby weighs 6.70 ounces or 190 grams and is 5.59 inches or 14.2 cm long.
Crochet burnout and no pictures
So yesterday you know i came home early because my face hurt. The T3 doesnt really do anything to help except make me woohoo but the pain is still there. I wasnt happy and havent taken any more, i may take regular tylenol to see how that works. But i'm home again mainly because I didnt get much sleep. I dont think I slept 45 minutes in a row last night, which SUCKED, a lot!
But, last night I was chatting with Tracie and we both realized that we were kinda burned out on crocheting. I hadnt done a star in a week, I kept bringing my bag-o-stars with me but it just stared at me at lunchtime while I sat and watched AMC. Or read. Or did nothing. Definate funk. So we were talking with Kerry and she mentioned wanting to learn to make hats, and though we had shown her she was having issues, so we'll fix that on Sunday. She said something about wanting a cotton hat. I have cotton, I can do that. I dont know if i can do it by Sunday, but I'll try. And i'm knitting it. I've done about 2 rounds, i'll work on that more today when i'm not sleeping. Then tomorrow, and hopefully that'll do it. If not i'll have Trav drive on Sunday and I can work on it on the way. We'll see. I had some issues last night when I was starting it (and I actually checked my guage!) so i had jake take a couple pics. But I do pics at work, not here so no pics. I'll post them on Monday.
That's about it I suppose.
pregnant lady + root canal - good novacaine - good pain pills = 1 unhappy brandee.
I'm at home, about to pass out from the Tylenol 3 I was allowed to have. I'll try the Thursday 13 tomorrow, k?
OB Appt
Lotsa babyville today. OB appt this morning went well, I went up a pound so i'm only down 4 now (LOOOOVE being pregnant), my sugar was fine, my bp was down a bit from last time which is good. Doc was able to hear baby's heartbeat easily, but kept losing it. He said that baby kept moving when he pressed down. Guess baby didnt like that! My ultrasound is scheduled for 8/30, and we can bring a video tape. I am thrilled to pieces over this - a) it's before convention so I can answer the 300 questions of boy or girl and b) we couldnt tape the sono with Jake, so this will be great!
Babyville: The baby is beginning to accumulate a little fat now. It's important to eat balanced, nutritious meals to meet your energy needs as well as the babys needs for development.
Blah blah blah
Its Tuesday, day 2 of school and day 1 of our SuperShow draw for space. Its a busy phone day, the Admin Assistant is out which makes it interesting. My regular work is done though, which is good, so i'm helping out other areas of the office to stop from being bored. I really dont have anything to talk about, crochet, baby, otherwise.
Oh, tomorrow i'll be going to a Dave Matthews concert, which should be fun. And the tix were free from the boss, which is better. Tracie is going with me and i'll be bringing yarn. See, if it were a group that I LOVE, I wouldnt bring yarn. Since it's Dave Matthews and I only somewhat like them, yarn will be going. Works out nice that way.
Tomorrow morning I also have an OB appt. They will then give my appt date for my ultrasound (this will be, uh, #4 I think) to see if I do indeed have boy bits. I'm hoping for no, but of course will be happy with a healthy baby, boy bits or no. (think pink, think pink).
Thursday morning I get to go have a root canal. Joy of joys. But at least I can take Tylenol 3 which although I was suprised at, am grateful for.
That was a lot to say for nothing to say. Now i'm off to blogstalk, have a good one.
Whoops, I forgot Babyville!
yesterday - You can feel your uterus just below your belly button now. it should be the size of a cantaloupe or a little bigger now. today - 17 wks LMP. AMniocentesis is usually done between 15-17 weeks. Baby weighs 4.97 ounces or 140 grams and is 5.12 inches or 13 cm long.
1st day of school
Yep, it's that time again. Well, for public school, that time was last Thursday, but today was Jake's special day. K5ers have to wear uniforms which the K3 & K4 didnt have to do. He looks so grown up in his little uniform!
On the way in:
At his desk (doesnt he look thrilled?):
And I didnt feel bad taking pics, there were other mom's doing the same thing! They have the option for pants or shorts for everyday except Thursday (pants only) which is Chapel day. He chose pants today. Poor kid is gonna die of heat.
We were not able to go to Kerry & Hans' house, since she cant seem to stay out of the hospital. We are gonna try again next weekend. Travis was disappointed because he and Hans were gonna go to the shooting range. Since I am pretty much the anti-gun, this is a HUGE step for me! Of course when the cancelled trav asked if I wanted to go the range. I laughed at him. I'm not THAT much better.
And last night, just in time for the first day of school, I got a stye. Yes, terribly exciting.
Sorry it's blurry, its hard to take a pic of your own eye.
Oh My Stars
I've gotten 15 stars done with the blue around them. Thats progress, albeit it somewhat slow. I dont remember the last 15 flag afghans taking so long but they were quite a while ago, so maybe. I think Tra is coming over either tonight or tomorrow to hang out, then Sunday it's off to Orlando to Hans & Kerry's place. Not sure what's gonna go on cept I can guarantee something with yarn, and perhaps food. I am excited to see them though. I am also excited that Travis actually wanted to go with me. That is the 2nd time that I have asked him to go over there for a social function(ish) and he said yes. That is BIG for my mostly anti-social husband.
I know it's sad but this morning on my way to work I still didnt have any cool pics to post here, so i took this:
Yeah, still nothing cool to post but I think those little light covers are adorable! Daisy's. How fitting. Sorry, best I could do. Moving on.
Well, not really anything to move on to, its been a quite boring Friday, cept my child is being pouty and willfull with his grandma and she had to cancel today's pictures because he was in a mood. That sucks, I was looking forward to new pics. He was gonna wear his karate ghee and a school uniform, which would have been cute.
Thursday 13
Thirteen Things about Brandee13 interesting-ish facts about me that most people know.
1. I was born in Massena, NY. 2. We lived in Waddington, NY which is 30 miles away but I was born in Massena because our town doesn’t have a doctor. 3. They do have 1 stop light that blinks red on one side and yellow on the other. 4. They do not have a police officer but do have a fantastic volunteer fire squad. 5. My Mom and I moved to Tampa when I was 2. I have been trying to get back home ever since. 6. Just because I have lived in Florida for 26 years (2 in NY, 2 in OK) it is NOT home. 7. Florida has roaches the size of matchbox cars. 8. And they fly. 9. And this is not a sign of a dirty home! However if you get those little bitty brown German roaches, that means you have a dirty home. 10. When I was 15 I was shot while riding the school bus home. 11. I have a scar on my back that is the size of a penny 12. I really REALLY want a little tattoo that is a word balloon from it saying “bang” 13. I find that hysterical but have still been too chicken to do it.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Crochet night, preggo pic, lunch
Last night was a blast, we had a grand time chatting and crocheting (well, I was weaving in ends... AMBER! Teasing of course). It was one gal's last night which was so sad, but she's off to CA to be near her daughter and soon-to-be grandbaby. I had Tracie take a preggo pic, with my head so thats progress.
This is 16 weeks, 3 days:
I was going to blog about this dude I was behind on the way home from work yesterday, guess I will but the pic isnt as wonderful as in real life. This guy was a mirror looker with that bleached blond surfer hair in his convertable. Overcompensating much? Someday I'll get the magic to block out the plate #. For now just ignore it.
My boss turns 58 on Sunday, and today we had his luncheon (love my job). We went to Macaroni Grill, and it was so much fun. FULLLLLLLLL. The waiter was hot, and really good. Damarys left her # in crayon for him. I thought that was brave, we'll see if he calls. Lance (the boss) had his wife Joy and their granddaughter Kira meet us there, and she is SO adorable. Reminding me AGAIN why I want a pink one. Look, it's not just me...
Nothing in babyville to report cept the general biggness and heaviness I feel sometimes. I go on Wednesday for my next OB appt.
happy fat and lazy
I'm so full, I had a sub for lunch and yep, full. Yummy though! Lets see, last night Jake and I went to the in-laws for swimming, this is what I saw:
My father in law playing with a water gun
Jake's cool karate moves
And a 3 kid pyramid
(That's Jake with his God Brother Andrew on the bottom and Andrew's best friend Brandon in the middle)(this was a 2nd take because i couldnt get the camera on fast enough the first time)(Andrew was not pleased)
Crochet meeting tonight, should be fun. I am hoping to get some flowers for my stupid work had that I have to embellish, I'm up to 5 done, but I havent looked to see if I have any others done and hiding, i'll do that maybe tomorrow. I also have to remember to stop and get money for the boss' birthday luncheon tomorrow (everyone kicks in $10 to all birthday cards). Guess that's it for now.
Whenever you feel bad for yourself...
Remember this guy:
I felt bad for him, and I slowed down so my car wouldnt create a tidal wave over top of him and knock him down. However, Hi! Florida + rainy season = leave your bike at home.
I have made some flowers for a Convention project, and did a few blue star parts.
Poor Tracie is all loopy on meds and its making for some interesting conversation. I could SO bend her to my will right now, except she gets dizzy sitting up so I dont know what it'd accomplish. And I know I shouldnt be laughing at my dizzy medded out friend but its darn funny. Oh, sorry tra.
Whoops - forgot babyville
Lunar month 5, 16 weeks LMP. Baby weighs 3.53 ounces or 100 grams. Baby is 4.57 inches or 11.6 cm long!
Today is: The baby's ears and eyes have moved to their final positions look more "normal" by now.