Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things about Brandee
13 interesting-ish facts about me that most people know.

1. I was born in Massena, NY.
2. We lived in Waddington, NY which is 30 miles away but I was born in Massena because our town doesn’t have a doctor.
3. They do have 1 stop light that blinks red on one side and yellow on the other.
4. They do not have a police officer but do have a fantastic volunteer fire squad.
5. My Mom and I moved to Tampa when I was 2. I have been trying to get back home ever since.
6. Just because I have lived in Florida for 26 years (2 in NY, 2 in OK) it is NOT home.
7. Florida has roaches the size of matchbox cars.
8. And they fly.
9. And this is not a sign of a dirty home! However if you get those little bitty brown German roaches, that means you have a dirty home.
10. When I was 15 I was shot while riding the school bus home.
11. I have a scar on my back that is the size of a penny
12. I really REALLY want a little tattoo that is a word balloon from it saying “bang”
13. I find that hysterical but have still been too chicken to do it.

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