My Crochet Spot
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Promise broken #1
Well, I did it. I said I wouldnt but I did. Yep, I started a new project - without finishing the ones I had already started! I used the purple yarn from the mohair bunch and started a baby jacket. the yarn is pretty thin so its a very light jacket, but it's coming out cute. I've done both sleeves and am a few rows up on the body. I should have most of it done during my crochet meeting tonight, that's the plan anyway.I also started piecing together a magic ball, I had a BUNCH of scraps from one of the crochet group gals and decided that instead of taking up 50 million baggies it should be made into a big ball. It's about 7 inches in diameter. I stopped when I couldnt hold it in my hand anymore. Maybe eventually i'll do a magic ball scarf or hat... or both. But not now - see, progress! Sue didnt bring me yarn today so I cant work on her dress, she's going tonight so I should have it tomorrow to work on - and i should be able to get it back to her by the time we come back from the holiday on Tuesday.
I have finished 4 birdhouses and they are now in a baggie w/the rest of the birdhouse centers. I didnt like the way the varigated looked so i frogged it. I now have 2 navy and 2 dark sagy green birdhouses. I just need to decide if I want to just do those colors or add some others or what. I'll think about it a while and figure it out eventually. GREAT... another ufo lurking in my living room! Oh well, what can you do.
One of the gals is bringing her yarn winder to the meeting tonight so I can wind up the chenille. I know there will be much jealousy over it - hehe. If I have extra after my afghan I'll share... promise! Now to find the perfect pattern to go with it.
Ok, that's enough for now - have a good one.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I got my Yarn!
I won 2 lots of yarn on ebay and it came today! Yippee Skippee. Here are the links.
I think i'll make an afghan out of the chenille, and maybe a couple layettes out of the mohair, we'll see.
Sue didnt get a chance to go to Walmart to get the pink to finish up the dress for her granddaughter and with choir tonight and crochet group tomorrow, it's up to her. It shouldnt take me more than 4 or 5 days to finish up once I have the yarn.
Soo, since I couldnt work on that, I started and finished a scarf in the denim blue color of Joann's Sensations - the bocule kind and it came out very nice. And when that was done I started on a birdhouse square afghan - 4x4 16" squares with a birdhouse motif in different colors and edged in a verigated. I havent found the edging color I want to use yet, but I've done 3 birdhouses, 2 in navy and 1 in a RH navy verigated. I also have some teal/rose verigated that I thought may look nice but I havent decided yet.
Guess that's it for now.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas and stuff
Lets see, I finished up my moms sweater (part 2) and wrapped it up and put it under the tree. I worked on the dress for Sue's granddaughter until I ran out of pink, I gave her the label and sent her to Walmart to get me 2 skeins so I could finish and that i'd deduct it from her charge - I sure as heck aint venturing to Walmart anytime before Tuesday!!!! So, after I finished that up while watching Fantastic 4 last night I decided to get out the Joanns bocule in the denimy color and started working up a sweater for myself. I'll pretty much used the same pattern as my moms... except. I'm doing it in rounds instead of front and back, and once I get up there I'll figure out how to do the top. I've got about an inch and half done so far, its going rather slow because of the yarn but i'm getting better at feeling it so hopefully it'll speed up a bit now. I'm using a K hook so it'll work up quick. Guess that's it for now, Have a great Christmas!Monday, December 19, 2005
Project Update
Lets see, I finished up the last of the 5 scarves to send up home and they are in todays mail - will they make it in time for Christmas - I hope so.I finished front and back, bottom trim and started on a sleeve of my mom's sweater(b). It WILL be done by Christmas.
I kinda started piddling with a shawl from Vanna's Favorite Crochet Gifts at the Craft Fair last weekend, and got a few rows done. I've decided that a) I hate ripples and b) I really like the salmony simply soft - it's very pretty.
The Temp in the office wants me to make her the little girls dress in the Vanna book (which is why I borrowed it back from my grandma that I had given it to), and we will be picking out yarn for it tomorrow. I've made it before in pound of love, but i'm making it in Simply Soft this time, it's a bigger yarn but it should work up beautifully.
Still a bootie left to finish up the Christening gown. It's pretty much just thrown in a corner - one of these days... I swear!
More girl baby blankets - I'm out, I need to replenish my stash!
Thats it, for what i'm doing and what i've planned. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 16, 2005
The Crochet Group Christmas Party
Well, Wednesday night we had our Crochet Group Christmas Party, and almost all of the regulars were there which was nice, and one of the gals brought her hubby so mine didn't feel out of place. We had some yummy appetizers and Christmas Cookies and exchanged a gift. I did give the fabulous Katia yarn from the yarn store, and would've picked my own gift if I could have! But instead I picked a beautiful little hook holder made from cotton with 2 bubble buttons and a cute Stephanie flower (as is on all of her bags). I already threw out the plastic one with a Jake-ripped spot. Yippee skippee. have a good one.The Crochet Group Christmas Party
Well, Wednesday night we had our Crochet Group Christmas Party, and almost all of the regulars were there which was nice, and one of the gals brought her hubby so mine didn't feel out of place. We had some yummy appetizers and Christmas Cookies and exchanged a gift. I did give the fabulous Katia yarn from the yarn store, and would've picked my own gift if I could have! But instead I picked a beautiful little hook holder made from cotton with 2 bubble buttons and a cute Stephanie flower (as is on all of her bags). I already threw out the plastic one with a Jake-ripped spot. Yippee skippee. have a good one.Friday, December 09, 2005
Yeah, this was SOO stolen
I stole this from Kimberly who swiped it from somewhere else but it was TOOO cute not to repost. Enjoy.A Crocheter's Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas and all around me
There was unfinished crocheting not under the tree,
The stockings weren't hung by the chimney with care
'Cause the heels and the toes had not a stitch there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
But I had not finished the caps for their heads.
Dad was asleep---he was no help at all.
And the sweater for him was 6" too small.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I put down my hook to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash.
Tripped over my yarn and fell down in my stash.
The tangle of yarn that lay deep as the snow
Reminded me how far I still had to go.
When out on the lawn I heard such a noise,
I was sure it would wake up both Dad and the boys.
And although I was tired--my brain a bit thick,
I knew in a moment that it must be St Nick.
Yet what I heard left me very perplex-ed
For nothing I heard was what I expect-ed.
"Move Rowan! Move Patons! Move Koigu and Clover!
Move Shelridge! Move Starmore! Move Spinrite! Move over!
Lopi, don't circle around, just stand there in line.
Pay attention you sheep and you'll work out just fine!
I know this is hard as it's just your first year
But I'd hate to go back to 8 tiny reindeer."
I peered over the sill. What I saw was amazing:
Eight wooly sheep on my lawn all a-grazing!
And then in a twinkle, I heard at the door
Santa's big boots stomping on the porch floor.
I rose from my knees and got back on my feet.
As I turned around, St Nick I did meet.
He was dressed all in wool from his head to his toe
And his clothes were hand crochet from above to below.
A bright Fair Isle sweater he wore on his back.
And his toys were all stuffed in an Aran crochet sack.
His hat was a wonder of bobbles and lace
A beautiful frame for his rosy red face.
The scarf on his neck could have stretched for a mile,
And the socks peeking over his boots were Argyle.
On the back of his mitts was an intricate cable.
And suddenly on one I spotted a small label:
"S.C." in duplicate on the cuff.So I asked,
"Hey, Nick, did YOU crochet all this stuff?"
He proudly replied, "Ho, ho, ho, yes I did.
I learned how to crochet when I was just a kid."
He was chubby and plump, a well dressed old man,
And I laughed to myself, for I'd thought up a plan.
I flashed him a grin and jumped up in the air,
And the next thing he knew, he was tied to a chair.
He spoke not a word, but looked down in his lap
Where I had laid my crochet hook and yarn for a cap.
He began then to crochet, first one cap then 2--
For the first time I thought I might really get through.
He put heels in the stockings and toes in some socks,
While I sat back drinking a scotch on the rocks.
Quickly like magic his hooks they flew,
Good Grief! He was finished by two!
He sprang for his sleigh when I let him go free,
And over his shoulder he looked back at me.
I heard him explain as he sailed past the moon,
"Next year, start your crocheting sometime around JUNE!"
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Project update
Well, I just finished up the booties and weaving in for the Christmasghan. I have a little bag in the works from a pattern I found online a while back ago, it's just something to play with when I can. I am thinking of starting another American Flag ghan, we'll see what happens. I really need to go through my yarn stash and see what I can make with what I have. I would like to make some more kitchen scrubbies too for my co-workers. I have 5 made, and need to do 2 more. I'll bring them sunday to see if they sell, if they do i'll re-make them for my co-workers.Well we were supposed to have our scrunchies from the exchange in by the 9th, and I havent heard anything from my partner - I'd hate to be left out... :(. Maybe the post office is just running late - hmm. Anywho, have a good one.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
American Flag Afghan

How I will miss thee. Not so much that I didn't take the $70 from my boss though!
Yippee Skippy, I sold the afghan. Happy dance happy dance. That's it, just needed to share the happiness of the day.
Monday, December 05, 2005
project update, the yarn store and white elephant
Ok, I've finished my mom sweater - and I love it. If it wasnt so DAMN expensive to make (2 boa, 6 + a little of a 7th of galaxy at all $5 a piece - !!!) So that's $40, but I did get 25% off of 7 of them so that's 31.25. Can we just say that my hubby would shit a brick if he knew that! oh well, it's Christmas, right!It's been a trying week, Last Sunday my cousin died - she was 49 and they are thinking heart attack but we are awaiting autopsy results to confirm. Friday was the wake, Saturday was the funeral. No the wake/funeral were pretty far - over an hour each way. Saturday I was by myself since Travis had to work, and I had heard about a craft fair that if I finagled right would be "on my way" home. On the way to said craft fair I notice a sign in a shopping center that said "fine yarns". Brakes. Right turn clyde! A yarn shop - a REAL yarn shop. I have never been in a real yarn shop before! How exciting! And expensive. So, determined to buy SOMETHING I looked and looked and found something called Katia something or other that is 85% mohair, a little wool and a little of something else. It's pink and 153 yards - for $9.99. It is so soft, i was petting it while going around the store. It's beautiful! Do I know what i'm making with it - no. Any clues - negative. What am I going to do with it? Try to let it go for my crochet group's white elephant gift exchange in a couple weeks - $10 limit - isnt that handy. (btw if any crochet group members read this - please disregard! ;)). Wow, a yarn store, who'd have thunk.
I did end up making it to the craft fair - it was pretty big, we'll have to look into it for next year - one of the vendors told me it was $100 for 2 days and it was packed - at 4 something in the afternoon! Hmm, we'll have to see.
We are all getting pretty excited about this weekends craft fair - and I think my boss is buying the American Flag afghan - for $80! yippee, little happy dance.
That's it, ttfn.

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- Jakey and Aliceon sittin in a tree...
- I dont have second sock syndrom !
- Crazy-cat-ville & Playing with baby
- Thursday 13 part 2
- Thursday 13
- better, at least