Monday, December 05, 2005

project update, the yarn store and white elephant

Ok, I've finished my mom sweater - and I love it. If it wasnt so DAMN expensive to make (2 boa, 6 + a little of a 7th of galaxy at all $5 a piece - !!!) So that's $40, but I did get 25% off of 7 of them so that's 31.25. Can we just say that my hubby would shit a brick if he knew that! oh well, it's Christmas, right!

It's been a trying week, Last Sunday my cousin died - she was 49 and they are thinking heart attack but we are awaiting autopsy results to confirm. Friday was the wake, Saturday was the funeral. No the wake/funeral were pretty far - over an hour each way. Saturday I was by myself since Travis had to work, and I had heard about a craft fair that if I finagled right would be "on my way" home. On the way to said craft fair I notice a sign in a shopping center that said "fine yarns". Brakes. Right turn clyde! A yarn shop - a REAL yarn shop. I have never been in a real yarn shop before! How exciting! And expensive. So, determined to buy SOMETHING I looked and looked and found something called Katia something or other that is 85% mohair, a little wool and a little of something else. It's pink and 153 yards - for $9.99. It is so soft, i was petting it while going around the store. It's beautiful! Do I know what i'm making with it - no. Any clues - negative. What am I going to do with it? Try to let it go for my crochet group's white elephant gift exchange in a couple weeks - $10 limit - isnt that handy. (btw if any crochet group members read this - please disregard! ;)). Wow, a yarn store, who'd have thunk.

I did end up making it to the craft fair - it was pretty big, we'll have to look into it for next year - one of the vendors told me it was $100 for 2 days and it was packed - at 4 something in the afternoon! Hmm, we'll have to see.

We are all getting pretty excited about this weekends craft fair - and I think my boss is buying the American Flag afghan - for $80! yippee, little happy dance.

That's it, ttfn.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Kimberly said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin! *hugs*

Yay for the yarn shop experience! My first one was here in Brussels...I remember walking in and going "oooooh yarn" lol I still don't visit it that often - she is a wee bit expensive!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Karla said...

I'm beginning to think Pink is a favorite color of yours? :)


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