Thursday, December 08, 2005

Project update

Well, I just finished up the booties and weaving in for the Christmasghan. I have a little bag in the works from a pattern I found online a while back ago, it's just something to play with when I can. I am thinking of starting another American Flag ghan, we'll see what happens. I really need to go through my yarn stash and see what I can make with what I have. I would like to make some more kitchen scrubbies too for my co-workers. I have 5 made, and need to do 2 more. I'll bring them sunday to see if they sell, if they do i'll re-make them for my co-workers.

Well we were supposed to have our scrunchies from the exchange in by the 9th, and I havent heard anything from my partner - I'd hate to be left out... :(. Maybe the post office is just running late - hmm. Anywho, have a good one.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger Kimberly said...

Oh dear! I hope that you get your scrunchies soon!!!! It could ver ywell be a case of the post being slow - I mailed 7 packages out at the same time and only 3 have arrived....and one that is missing still is my scrunchie puffy!

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Karla said...

Hee hee! I JUST read this post, Brandee! No, you weren't going to get left out, hon! My financial life is difficult right now and I got held up on several of my swaps getting them out. I'm so sorry to have left you worrying! I know how nervous it might have made you wondering if you were going to get any. I'm glad they arrived today and that you like them. The pink clouds was my favorite, too. :) Well, that and the Emerald Green chenille one.


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