Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I got my Yarn!

I won 2 lots of yarn on ebay and it came today! Yippee Skippee. Here are the links.


I think i'll make an afghan out of the chenille, and maybe a couple layettes out of the mohair, we'll see.

Sue didnt get a chance to go to Walmart to get the pink to finish up the dress for her granddaughter and with choir tonight and crochet group tomorrow, it's up to her. It shouldnt take me more than 4 or 5 days to finish up once I have the yarn.

Soo, since I couldnt work on that, I started and finished a scarf in the denim blue color of Joann's Sensations - the bocule kind and it came out very nice. And when that was done I started on a birdhouse square afghan - 4x4 16" squares with a birdhouse motif in different colors and edged in a verigated. I havent found the edging color I want to use yet, but I've done 3 birdhouses, 2 in navy and 1 in a RH navy verigated. I also have some teal/rose verigated that I thought may look nice but I havent decided yet.

Guess that's it for now.


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