Sunday, November 27, 2005

Project Update

Ok, here's what I have going right now.

The Godparents Christmas ghan - 99.8% done then I have to weave in about half the ends (the other half were already done, and since there are color changes every row there are 10 billion ends.

The Commission Booties - Cowboy bootie lady (Jessica) from the summer has ordered another pair of Cowboy booties in red and pink, and another pair of Fireman booties. I have completed 80% of 1 bootie out of four so guess i'm about 1/6 of the way done... thereabouts.

Mom's Christmas Sweater - So I brought the new Crochet Magazine with me on Thanksgiving and my Mom looked at it and since she calls them "catalougs" instead of patterns and she mentioned liking the pink one on the cover and th Stone River one made from Galaxy yarn. Since I couldnt find the bulky simply soft for the pink one I got the stuff (or most of it anyway) for the Stone River one on Shopping day at Michaels with my 25% off coupon. I've got the front and about half the back done so far, then sleeves and edging. It's going much quicker than I expected, I just hope it fits her. She's so tiny, but this sweater looks tiny too.. hopefully not too tiny.

Christening Gown - yep, still just 1 bootie top to go.

That's it. hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that I could get a copy of the pattern you use for the Cowboy booties as my daughter lives in Texas and is having a baby boy soon and I would like to make her some.


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