Monday, November 14, 2005

The last craft fair

Saturday 11/5th's craft fair went really well, I sold about $65 and one of the other gals sold about $70 which was great. The other gal that came out didnt sell anything, but she hasnt lost hope on it which is good. We are planning another fair in a few weeks which I understand is a really busy one so we are all excited about it. The downside - $107 and I said I'd kick in $50 and the other 2 can split the rest. I pray that it goes well! Strange stuff sold too - someone bought my "walmart bag rug" for $20 and Dani sold an all cotton kitchen cafe curtain she made for her own kitchen but it was too small for $40! Of course the normal stuff sold - scrunchies, flip flops, halters, and a poncho set. Couple dish cloths went so I'm making up a few more of those sets to put out, and if they dont sell... no problem they will be Christmas gifts for my co-workers. I've been working on the Christmas ghan, it's about 3 feet so far. I ran out of the sage yarn last night so today I did 1 row of white and started tucking in ends - yippee.... i HATE doing that. Oh well, goes with the territory I suppose. It would have been helpful to not have changed colors on EVERY row and not had as many ends to tuck in!

I got the paperwork to submit the angora baby dress into the fair, I think everyone from our group is submitting something which will be nice. I just want to be able to put "award winning" on my business cards! That and the only awards I've ever gotten were for things like cheerleading where Everyone got awards... nothing that I was ever judged for. nervous, a little but terribly excited! Now I need to think of a few other things to enter.

I sent out my scrunchies to my scrunchie swap partner, hope she likes them! I cant wait to get mine, especially since i'm a scrunchie-a-holic. I just got "The shop on Blossom St" in the mail today, I orderd it 2nd hand for 1.99. Nothing like stories about yarn right... too bad it's knitting! well, ttfn.


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