Monday, August 22, 2005

The nylon purse

I finished the pocket flap bridal purse - i just gotta do the weaving in the ends and it's finished, except I would like to put some beads on it - I just dont have any... guess that means a trip to walmart! I had left over nylon so I'm making a little drawstring purse too, it's small, and meant to dangle on a brides wrist. The nylon is so pretty and shiney and white! Perfect for a wedding.

I got SOOOO close to finishing the United We Stand last night, and I realized that the strip I was about to stitch on was upside down... so now that means adding 1 row and ripping 1 row... should be done at lunchtime today.

Drew got me thinking hard about doing a booklet - and I had some pretty cool ideas last night in my 3am vicodin induced ramblings about doing it on crocheting with household materials - plastic bags, kitchen twine, even aluminium foil! Havent looked at it again this morning... but I think they are still good while not on pain meds. Lesson of the day #1 - at 29 I had NO business doing a front roll just because my 4 year old could (hence the vicodin). So, I'll write out my patterns and if I get brave I'll have it done. From what I could tell it's about $200 for the publishing package on Lulu. I'll have to dig a little deeper since I couldnt find where I did the price calculator last time. Anyway - thanks dude, you get a free copy... if i actually do it!

I found a pattern online for a baby blanket I like... finally! I've been trying to find a cute one for a friend thats having a baby in December. We'll see how the pattern goes, I'll probably start that after this one is done.

Crochet group Wednesday, that's about it.


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