Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm sick-ish,

And it sucks. A lot. I have that gack in my throat spitting up yellow shit stuffy nose crap, and it does not make me happy. Why? Because I cant take squat! Of my little bitty list of stuff i can take, the only things somewhat applicable are plain sudafed and throat lozenges. We shall see if they work. Is sudafed the sleepy one? I cant remember. I may have to go to cvs shortly to get some.

Yesterday I got a bit done on the baby blanket, only like 4 more rounds then a border. I will work on it more at lunch today but not tonight since i'll be at Tias.

Actually, i wont be able to do anyting on it for a bit since i have a little gathering on Sunday at my place and I need to clean. Ugh, with the cleaning. However, Travis did say he'd hang my new lamp. I have coveted my in-laws dining room lamp (tiffany style w/little purple & blue flowers... I KNOW!) since i've known them. And she's always said that if she finds a lamp that she likes then i can have that one. Well, she did, and I got it! Now it's in a box in my kitchen waiting for Travis to hang it. I cleaned the top of it (the part that I could see in the box) and once it's hung i'll clean the rest of it. LOOOOOVE it.

babyville: Embryonic sac continues to fill with amniotic fluid to protect the baby.

Have a great weekend.


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