Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Some stuff

Well, the pics that Travis gave me are not the pics from Sunday, so you'll have to wait a little longer for the butterfly porn.

In baby news - today is 6 weeks: Babies heart starts to beat, though it's almost impossible to hear. I'll post these from my pregnancy every day that something is happening.

Also, I went yesterday for my OB appt, and they did another blood test. I do think they may be vampires since they took 7 vials. 7! I had to wait until my Quant # (baby hormone level) was above 2000 for my ultrasound. Last Fri it was 98, then Monday it was 334. It's supposed to about double every other day, so it should have been around 2100-2200 yesterday. It was 4114. If there are 2 in there, Travis is going to have a coronary. I'm just saying. My Ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:45. After that is done I will feel better knowing that everything is ok.

I worked on bootie 2 yesterday at lunch, it should be close to done today. I also brought the leftover yarn to sew together the unfortunate sweater. I did not find another skein of it in the closet this morning (mind you it was in the dark but, whatever), so i'll have to be pretty creative. And no pockets it looks like. I'll work on that at lunch today, and tonight i'll run to walmart if i need more yarn. This morning I did a couple rounds on the baby blanket too. I've got about 20 of the 30 rows done.

That's it for now.


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