Monday, August 01, 2005

My yarn stash

Ok, so my yarn stash has gotten to be a little out of control and I can never find anything when I go looking. My original idea was to get some of those under the bed storage bins to fill up and put in the garage. I got 5. 3 are currently holding finished projects (2 are still in the back of my car from the last craft fair 6/25!!) and the other 2 had misc yarn in them. Well, garages being what they are, my boxes were dusty and cob-webby and generally yucky! So, yesterday i got motivated to actually organize my yarn. I gathered all my yarn (yes ALL of it) on the bed and seperated it by color. The chest of drawers (3 are dedicated to yarn, the 4th has scrapbook stuff) has whites, then greens/black and 1 drawer of both thread, cotton & acessories (extra hooks, jewelry making tidbits, beads, etc). In the closet I bought one of those 3 drawer plastic double wide storage thingies (yeah, that's the technical term). It has 1 of baby yarn, 1 of funky yarn (fun fur, glitterspun) and the redhat i have yet to embellish, and the bottom drawer has homespun and the leftover sensations from my martha poncho. I have my 1 box of finished in the closet, and in the other 2 bins are greys/browns/silver and blues. On top of the 3 drawer are 2 pounders and my model doll. There is also a walmart bag FULL of little balls of extra yarn that I know i'll never use but cant throw away! it is now all organized but I really need to get the stuff out of my trunk... i just dont have anywhere to put it - well, maybe the garage!! ;)
That's it for now I guess.


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