Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Project updates, and some other stuff

Lets see, i've stitched on 1 of the 4 strap ends, then i need to stitch on the closure thing. i'm concerned that once it's felted it'll be funky - like what if the tab shrinks more than the top of the tote, wouldnt it stretch funny? Hmm.

I worked on the knitting more last night while waiting for choir practice to start - i did some purling. I now understand why people do stockinette instead of all purling - because that 1 row of knitting after the row of purling saves your sanity. People wouldnt knit if it was all purling. Purling is evil. Yes, it is. And you wanna laugh, here's my progress. Sorry about the quality, but it's my phone - ya'll know.

The top here is where i did the stockinette, then the bottom is the just knitting. notice that left edge - it's pretty ugly. I guess if i didnt use such dark fat yarn you'd be able to see it better. It's better this way - it really is. You dont want to see the ugliness.

Speaking of knitting maddness - I had gotten this pair of circs - and I want to make a hat because i'm a follower. I love this girl, but not so much that I would pay 400% more for a house to be near her. Not a stalker. Anywho, so She says to cast on enough stitches to fit around your head (or something like that) and I did, and it was like 22". The problem I noticed after, um, 2 rows of knitting - 22" hat + 20" circ needles = BIG FAT KNITTING MESS not to mention ugly. SO, i need to go to a real craft store (got the circs at walmart, and didnt see anything smaller than the 29") and get some shorter circs... say 22". Then, i'll attempt the hat again. I only wonder how you do the decreases on the circs - won't i still have the same problem with the stringy thing on the circs being too long for the hat? Hrm. Knitting is hard.

Tonight is crochet group. The have threatened to kick me out for my knitting ways - something about the dark side - pish posh. But when i told them of the ugliness that is the knitted (now & purled) scarf they want to see it. Kind of like you REALLY want to look at the people all bloody from a car accident. I am also bringing some music dvd's (another story) and A Good Yarn for Tracie, the Americana afghan book for Steph. Tracie is returning Clerks & Evening w/Kevin Smith (I love kevin smith. still not a stalker) and Shop on Blossom St. Also, tonight is crack night - Dani is bringing us our girlscout cookies. YUMMMMMMO (to quote Rachel) (I LOVE Rachel Ray... she lives near my home town) (it's 2 degrees there) (still not a stalker).

Today at work is going swimmingly. I've done - hmm, let see, i sent a fax, changed an excel file and printed it out for my boss, mailed out my Breast Cancer 3 day notes to 14 lucky family and friends (on company postage) and ebay'd for jelly shoes and swatch watches for an 80's b-day party coming up in March. SPEAKING of.... I'm making these: in pink & orange stripes. HEHEHEHHEHEHE. I Love the 80's. I also heard my boss clipping his fingernails at his desk. This made me glad he wasnt busy since i was doing non-work stuff. Gross.

Moving on. Well, nothing to move on to i suppose. Maybe more later.


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