Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things about Brandee
13 Friends of my life (sorry, it’s a long one)

13. Amy – has been my best friend for a long time, even though we’ve drifted apart. I really do wish her happiness, and pray for her strength and wisdom.
12. Tracie – has been one of my best friends for a short time, a year now I guess. In that time we’ve come close and I treasure her insight and think she shares that.
11. Dani – I met Dani the same day as Tra, and I have come to value her judgement and the way she dispenses wisdom, in that ‘only Dani could do’ way.
10. Chuck – My first real boyfriend’s Dad. I have loved Chuck as a friend since the day I met him on my 13th birthday. He has always been there to listen to my boy-crazed, half-baked, stupid-kid stories. He listened every time I told him “but this guy’s different, no really”, and made me feel better when that guy really wasn’t different. I don’t spend much time with him, and I do miss it, but he will always be one of my bestest, oldest friends.
9. Mom – Mom and I have had such an up and down relationship, but in the last 10 years it has grown in to a solid friendship. We value each other in a way that is beyond compare, and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
8. Travis – My husband is my #1 best friend, and knows me well. We keep each other grounded with the sanity that is real life, but help each other reach our goals. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us.
7. Damarys – Of all the friends I have, she knows me the best, probably because I see her every weekday. And although I am more of a giver than taker of advice in our relationship, I feel like she keeps me young.
6. Kerry – There has been only 1 other person that I have clicked with so well and so fast as Kerry. We have so much in common, good and bad, and it’s kinda eerie. Although this friendship just started, I’m sure it will be there for a good long time.
5. Bridget – This is the other person. Bridget and I met and shared a bed, Travis’ bed, in the same day. (the guys were sleeping on the couch, and it was in his parents house, and not like THAT!) That night we talked and giggled like children about everything from Little House on the Prairie to Nickelodeon, to family traditions. We don’t get together as often as I’d like, but when we do… it’s like no time has passed.
4. Jennifer – It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jen, but it’s like that with us. We had been best friends since Jr High School, and lost touch and found each other so many times. The last time I ‘found’ her she was living less than 2 miles from me (and still is). Strange.
3. Jonathan – I met Jonathan when I was 9. I was a very, um, precocious 9. Over the many, many years I have lost and found him many times, or rather, was found by him. I know his voice from the first hello, though I don’t think he believes that, especially when after a few years of no contact he called me and I told him to call me right back because I had to pee. Didn’t know he was calling me from Korea. Whoops!
2. Ryan – Ryan was a HS friend that I also miss dearly and have been trying to hunt down. I have found an address in Tulsa that I think he may still live at and have sent him a letter to no avail. I hope that changes soon, I miss him too.
1. David – Now David makes me crazy. He was probably one of my best guy friends during Jr High and HS and even after for a while. I have found his number and called it many times, but now I think he’s up and moved to San Fran. Wonder if he’s trying to avoid me? Hrm.

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