Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Apparently it's normal.

So I had my docs appt this morning and I took the opportunity to complain about my sonographer. I dont think I told the blog about Embarassing Moment #562, but a couple weeks ago I had to have an ultrasound, and since I am really early in my pregnancy they cant do it the normal over the belly way, they have to use, um, alternate technology. This alternate technology is called 'transvaginal' meaning, um, they look from the inside, using a long skinny stick like device with a condom like sheath over top and a ultrasound thing on the end. Well, this was my 5th such procedure in my lifetime, and this was the first time that the sonographer had me, um, insert my own device. With Travis standing right there. And my feet in stirups. It was very uncomfortable and difficult and embarassing. Every other person I've spoken to about this thought that the woman was possibly crazed to think this was ok. I have a sonographer friend that also found it disturbing. So when I mentioned it to the doc this morning, she said that some sonographers do that to make the patient feel more comfortable. Apparently it's normal. Um, no. It creeped me out. Just sayin. Moving on.

They did move my due date, I am now due 1-15-07, making me 9 weeks 3 days. I will have to re-configure the pregnancy calendar to reflect that and I will start doing babyville news as it relates to the new dates. URG, now i'll NEVER have the baby in December. Oh well.

Travis and Jake had a nice, wet day together yesterday. They went to a 1:30 Cars, then to Sams to get a few things we needed. They also came home with this:

We had pork chops, rice and gravy and corn last night, he had a few cheesy poof balls and then we took him to his Grandmothers house to spend the night since he's on vacation from summer camp this week. I stole a banana and 2 pears from her house, made a banana split last night and brought a pear for second breakfast that I will be eating soon.

That's it for now.


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