Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday, again

Today has been a long dull day. So for all of our sanities, I will talk about yesterday.

Last night we went to the in-laws to fetch our child and go home for chicken legs. He didnt want to go and we had to bribe him with bringing the dog with us so my MIL could go to work (on her vacation)(at night) to get some work done without help from the 4 yr old. We went home, made dinner, and watched Ella Enchanted. Yeah, sorry, along with bad taste in music, I also have terrible taste in movies. Anyway, that was not the only entertainment.

Penis Plants - These little beauties grow in our back yard and I dont know what to call them except penis plants. You'll understand when you see the pics. We just had our first few blooms, and while penis plant #1 is all splated from Alberto (said Albairto) Penis plant #2 was just fine. People always think i'm crazy for calling them that but no, really:

Let's climb the pallate thing up the tree with ants and mosquitos - When Jake came off this tree he had 2 bites on one arm, 3 on a leg and one behind his ear. They were big and red and ugly. And I had no benedryl. Thank goodness Mamaw had some of the Benedryl cream at her house.

The stand-off - So I told you we brought the dog to our house, and he realy is a great dog. A mostly chow foundling, Baloo (for the bear resembelance) is so laid back that if I could clone him I would. He walks into the house, looks in the general direction of the cat and keeps walking on. Chewy, taking HIGH offense to this, hisses at him. Then follows him and is never more than 2 feet away when he is inside. I also think that if the cat were allowed outside he would have followed him there too. This is what it was like - the dog would go somewhere, the cat would follow him and inch closer and closer, take a swat at him and the dog would whine, then move somewhere else. This kept going the whole time he was there. This was what the standoff looks like: Never mind, blogger is back to hating me. Let me try to edit it in. FINE, i'll have to post it seperatly. URG!!!


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