Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tales of Chew Toy

So we took chewy to the vet on Monday to get fixed and his front claws removed. Poor baby didnt know what hit him! Travis picked him up Tuesday morning. I tried to have him bring the cat to my office so i could see him but no luck. After work I picked up jake and went home to get sour cream and pajamas (for tacos at the inlaws and Jake after his bath, respectivly) and of course to see Chewy. When I walked in the door I called for him and he started mewing so i followed the sound... his little feet were wrapped up in red cast looking bandages and he was hiding under Jake's bed. I got him out and after explaining in depth to Jake about where NOT to touch and how not to hold him I let the child pet the cat. briefly. Overprotective much? yes, but not of my child! We sat with him for a couple minutes and I got pjs and sour cream and we went to my inlaws for tacos. I ate at the speed of smell and was off to choir practice while Jake played w/his grandparents.

When we got home we pet the cat a bit but it was bedtime for Jake and the cat was under his bed so i let him stay there. Jake had other ideas. Somehow the cat ended up on the bed - probably not on his own... but that's ok I suppose. I went back out to the living room to work on my crochet some more and heard Mommy, Chewy is stuck.


I go to his room and do not see the cat. Um, Jakey, Where's Chewy? In there. In where?

Now, my child has one of those wooden roomstogo bunk beds with the drawers on one side and the desk on the other and the bottom bed perpendicular to the top one. But I digress.

Jake pulls open the 3rd drawer from the bottom (of 4 drawers) and there's the cat, apparently sleeping on a baby blanket. In a drawer. CLOSED!
Um, Jakey, why did you put Chewy in the drawer. I didnt Mommy, he got there by himself. Um, Jakey, why did you SHUT THE DRAWER????? I dont know.

SO i rescued the cat from the drawer but he just cried. Didnt care, i wanted him with me where I could see him and know he wasnt in a DRAWER!!!

Here's pathetic kitty pics. He was sitting on the dining room chair under the table. silly kitty.


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