Sunday, February 12, 2006


So you know that sweater i'm making for crochet olympics? Yeah, I accidently finished it. I tried it on and i want to add a few rows to the bottom, then i'll be done for real. The problem with this... I have 14 days left of the olympics. Guess I COULD choose to finish the chenile throw as my olympic thing.. Hmmm.

Later today i'm meeting Tracie and we're gonna fix the throw for the lady. AND, we're going to a yarn store. Now, I called EVERY yarn store in the tampa bay area (that's 4) and NONE of them are open on Sunday. Except this one store in Palm Harbor that is open today only because there is a fibre arts show at the plaza their in so they decided to open. Yippee. So we are going there. Head to Egypt and take a left to arive at Palm Harbor, but we're going. It'll be fun, and i'm pretty excited about it.

If I had a yarn store I'd be open Sundays, i'm just saying. I have been dreaming of my own shop for a while now, and just as soon as I win the lotto...


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